Search Results for food

New York State To Be First To Ban Natural Gas In New Construction

The environmental movement to electrify everything refuses to die out even as the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals this month overturned the California city of Berkeley's ban on natural gas. The nation already does not have enough reliable production of electricity to power the explosion of electric vehicles. Nevertheless, Technocrats are bent on controlling all energy production and consumption.⁃

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Human Augmentation: The Final Battle With Technocrats And Transhumans

As I wrote in The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, the mechanistic view of the world, including humans, will end with the abolishment of man and not his deliverance. It is a worldview underpinned by Scientism, or the worship of science. Indeed, humanity faces the final battle.

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King Charles Enthusiastically Embraces Genetic Editing

King Charles is completely aligned with the World Economic Forum's two-part Great Reset: First, to create the new global economic order and second, to create Humanity 2.0 through genetic editing. As I have plainly documented, Transhumanism includes the takeover of DNA of all living things on earth, including plants and insects.

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Klaus Schwab: “…Who Masters Those Technologies, In Some Way, Will Be The Master Of The World.”

Both Technocracy and Transhumanism have taken permanent root in the Islamic world. The UAE wants to be the global leader in Financial Technologies (FinTech) and also be the first to colonize outer space. Further, they covet the Transhuman idea of escaping death. They are also tightly bonded with the World Economic Forum and the United Nations.

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The Mythical “Population Explosion” Is Actually Headed In The Opposite Direction

Paul Ehrlich was an entomologist at Stanford University when he penned Population Bomb. Entomology is the study of insects. Thus, Ehrlich applied the science of insects to predict runaway overpopulation of humans that would destroy the world. Ehrlich was dead wrong but what is worse is that the academic world let him get away with it.

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CBDC: Technology And Tyranny Worse Than Prison

The world has been warned over and over again about the dangers of technological capture, but it has not slowed the pace of adoption. The actors pushing this are Technocrats and they are pursuing Technocracy. When citizens finally wake up to what happened, it will be too late to do anything about it.

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Globalists’ Polycrisis Of Doom Is Of Their Own Making

Every single crisis facing the world today has been orchestrated by the same global elitists who want to take over the world. Says Klaus Schwab: "Stakeholder capitalism, a model I first proposed a half-century ago, positions private corporations as trustees of society, and is clearly the best response to today’s social and environmental challenges." 

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Toward Cashless: Panera Bread Debuts Palm Reading Payment System

Even as the Fed announces the July launch of FedNow instant payment system, national chains like Panera Bread will move toward cashless commerce. Any store that refuses to accept cash should be boycotted and shamed. Cash is legal tender for all public and private debt, and this cannot be overridden by private companies like Panera Bread.

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Bill Gates Invests $4.7 Million In Data-Collecting Faceware For Livestock

Bill Gates is the poster child for Technocracy. He is also an avowed transhuman as well as a eugenicist. Do cows need face masks and monitoring? Hardly. Smart mask data collection via 5G or WiFi will put EMF radiation close to the brain, but this is not a consideration. Technocrats invent because the can, not because there is any demonstrated need to do so.

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