Search Results for china

Robots Only In China: World’s First Humanless Warehouse Debuts

Technocrats value machines and automation over people. China has enough people to staff any number of factories and warehouses, but Technocrat engineers would rather co-opt them by using robots instead. This guarantees runaway income inequality and ultimately, a return to feudalism.

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China’s Social Credit: Pick Up Poo Or We Take Your Dog

This new dog management system is a modification of the nationwide social credit system already in place. Cameras everywhere will report you if you don't immediately pick up your dog's poo, at the risk of having your dog confiscated. Technocrats are obsessive/compulsive about micromanaging anything and everything.

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China Seeks Global Control Over Internet Of Things For Spying, Business

As a Technocracy, China is only doing what is natural to them: dominating the world of data collection, surveillance and control. The Western world has completely missed China's nefarious intentions as it has embedded Chinese technology as all levels of society.

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Google To Launch Censored Search Engine In China Despite Denials

Google may be based in Silicon Valley, but it is a global corporation with an ideology that relates to China, a Technocracy, rather than the United States, a Republic. Until this perception of Google changes, there will be no restraining them from working with Chinese Technocrats.

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Wife Fears Missing Interpol Chief Dead: ‘Everybody In China Is At Risk’

Orwell's 1984 is coming to life: That China could simply snatch and 'disappear' the head of a major international crime-fighting organization like Interpol, which is based in France, is incredulous. This is comparable to the sudden murder of Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi citizen, in Turkey.

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Technocracy In China: Investigations And Purges Are The New Normal

Historically, Technocracy has never honored any semblance of due process under the law. Outliers, troublemakers and undesirables are simply thrown under the buss or disappeared. Because China is a model Technocracy, it is totally predictable that it would act this way.

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China’s AI Tech Exports Are Seeding Surveillance Societies Globally

TN has warned repeatedly that China intentionally exports oppressive surveillance  technology to the world, and that includes the United States. It is widely acknowledged that China is the 'perfect police state' and other authoritarian regimes willingly follow the leader.

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