Search Results for transhumanism

Are We Facing Global Genocide?

Genocide starts with the death of one person. Then two. Then three. Nobody sees it as genocide until tens of thousands are killed and the…

A Reader Contemplates Technocracy

Hello Mr.Patrick Wood: Your research is compelling! Thank you for your dedication and in-depth knowledge tying together the strings of historic events, mostly overlooked and…

Scientists Are Mixing Human Body Parts With Robots And Monkeys

When Technocrats see no difference between humans, animals and inanimate material, there is no ethical boundary in mixing the three to see what might happen. This smacks of Transhumanism, which seeks to merge technology into human flesh in order to achieve immortality.

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Forget Nature, Scientists Think They Can Grow Better Wood In Labs

This revelation is closely related to transhumanism thanks to a statement like "With the ability to “tune” the plant cells into whatever shape they decide...". Transhumans propose to create Humanity 2.0 through genetic engineering to cleanse unwanted characteristics from the gene pool and insert other desired characteristics into it.

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