Search Results for AGENDA 2030

‘You Will Not Surely Die’: Transhuman Scientists Buy Into Devil’s First Lie

'Moonshot" and 'Longevity escape velocity" (LEV) theories draw billions in taxpayer and private investments, but they are proving to be a "fool's errand." LEV is just the latest theory and a testament to the folly, but it is enough to stimulate new interest and excitement. As other scientists play God with the genetic makeup of mankind, millions are dying and harmed by mRNA injections. Both ends of the science will end with broken promises and death.

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Study Confirms: Cows Do NOT Cause “Climate Change”

How many outright frauds have to pile up before people see the steaming piles of excrement collectively produced by people like Bill Gates, John Kerry, Al Gore, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller Commission, and the Trilateral Commission? Add the war on cattle to the pile. 

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Flashback: When The UN Launched ‘SDG Publishers Compact’ In October 2020

In the heat of the Great Panic of 2020 (COVID-mania), the UN started signing up publishers around the world to support its globalist narrative regarding the Sustainable Development Goals. Wrapped into the SDGs was support for the World Health Organization (WHO) and its strategy for "One Health." In less than 4 years, the publishing world has sung the praises of One Health.

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WEF Boasts That 98% Of Central Banks Are Adopting CBDCs

The author is correct that "It's the totalitarian tip-toe," because there is no other way to use blunt force to summarily drop cash on a worldwide basis. However, the WEF's boast is mostly hot air. Only two countries, Zimbabwe and Nigeria, have officially launched a CBCD. Only a few countries have passed the "proof of concept" phase. Several countries have canceled their CBDC projects, including the Philippines, Kenya, Denmark, Equator, and Finland. Several large countries are in the pilot stage, including China, Russia and India.

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Russian Journalist Calls Out The EU As A Technocracy

Indeed, Russia itself danced with Technocrats through the 1920s and 1930s to build the Soviet Utopia. During the ensuing years, virtually all of the technology was exported by the West, propped up that evil regime. Now, this Russian journalist is flat-out calling the EU a Technocracy, and for the right reasons.

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Bill Gates & UN Behind “Digital Public Infrastructure” For Global Control

Bill Gates is an evil genius who clawed his way to the top by applying predatory business practices at Microsoft; a leopard doesn't change spots and now Gates wants to dominate the whole world by masterminding a global ID system. A master Technocrat, Gates follows the philosophy of early Technocracy.

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The Fury Of Europe’s Farmers Shocks EU Technocrats

The continent-wide fury of EU farmers is blazing a trail straight to the heart of Technocracy, namely, the green agenda, net zero, and the war on energy and food. The late Rosa Koire warned Europe between 2010-2015 about “the blueprint, the comprehensive plan of action for the 21st century to inventory and control all land, all water, all plants, all minerals, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all law enforcement, all health care, all food, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.”

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The Big Squeeze: Over 140,000 U.S. Farms Lost In 5 Years

This editor has an extensive background in farming and ranching, so this story is both sad and maddening. The plight of family farms has been dire for decades, but it is now getting existential. The UN's Agenda 21 and 2030 Agenda, coupled with the war on carbon and nitrogen-based fertilizers on the one hand, and on the other, the massive consolidation of the food chain into 6 giant global corporations.

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UN ‘Climate’ Summit: End Energy (In US), Global Taxes, War on Humanity

It's about control of energy and, hence, about controlling economic activity. Abundant, cheap energy cannot be controlled; thus, it must be destroyed. Don't overthink the plot, it is really just this simple. When you own nothing by 2030, you will be sitting in the dark, exposed to bitter cold or sweltering heat. Welcome to Technocracy.

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IPCC Scientists Demand Dictatorial Powers Over Climate Change Polices

That a single group of deluded technocrat scientists should declare themselves to be the sole enforcers of their own crackpot "science" is patently insane. If they are not summarily stopped, it will give them the dictatorial power to implement every facet of Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda, Global Biodiversity Assessment, etc.; in other words, it will be a total scientific dictatorship.

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