Search Results for china

US Intel Chief Warns That China Perfecting ‘Surveillance State’

The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) says exactly what TN has been saying for three years: "The result of this effort is nothing short of a future that involves the perfection of the surveillance state" and that it "threatens the export of these tools abroad to other authoritarian regimes." Beware of motive, however, because the DNI manages and funds all 17 Intel agencies in the U.S., including the NSA, CIA and DHS.

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DHS Follows China’s Lead On Facial Recognition At Airports

The Department of Homeland Security is inching toward's China's "Leave no dark corner" total surveillance society, despite condemnation from every privacy protection group in America. The optical recognition images they collect are far more complex than normal snapshots. Because 2.5 million passengers fly every single day, there is no better place to build a national biometric database than through the TSA in airports.

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Tariffs That Limit Equipment Imports From China Are ‘Wildly Detrimental’ To 5G Rollout

Newly imposed tariffs are forcing an important issue into the spotlight: America is dependent upon China to provide the bulk of switches, routers and circuit boards to rollout 5G. What's the problem? A leading supplier of 5G tech, Huawei, is closely tied to the Chinese government.

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Trilateral Eric Schmidt: Internet Will Split In Two by 2028 With Rise Of China

Eric Schmidt, chairman of Alphabet which owns Google is also a member of the elitist Trilateral Commission. This group was singularly responsible for bringing China into the modern world in the 1970s, and then building it up to be a super-power. China is extolled as a Technocracy, praising the effectiveness of its model of governance.

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Black Mirror: China’s Dystopian ‘Social Credit System’ Is Switched On

Gamification of Trust aims to "allow the trustworthy to roam freely under heaven while making it hard for the discredited to take a single step". The system will be fully deployed to every square inch of China by 2020, just two years away. Worse, China is exporting its dystopian Technocracy to the rest of the world, including the United States.

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China’s Technocracy Introduces Scorecards For Continuous Control Of Citizens

Data mining and data fusion of disparate databases plus advanced identification technology like DNA and facial recognition, is all laser-focused on putting every citizen under the microscope for signs of dissent. Dissenters are punished and branded as enemies of the state. This same system of oppression is in its early states in America.

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China Is Inventing Whole New Way To Oppress A People

China is completely intolerant of any religion that does not support their Technocracy. Technocrats are self-proclaimed social engineers who view nations and people groups as herds of animals that must be managed. Even worse, they are exporting their brand of Technocracy to the rest of the world.

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