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King Charles Plots To Accelerate UN 2030 Agenda Goals And Complete Digitization Of Humanity

Nobody in their right mind would call King Charles a Communist. He is a Technocrat of the worst sort, bent on implementing the U.N.' 2030 Agenda with its 17 SDGs, al of which sum up in historic Technocracy from the 1930s. Charles also intends to require his "subjects" to swear an oath of allegiance to him as king. Technocracy is the clear and present danger to the entire world.

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Senators Introduce S.884 To Create Digital Identity For All Americans

Arizona's very own Sen. Krysten Sinema has joined the WEF and Bilderberg group to enter the rarified atmosphere of Technocracy and Transhumanism. Elected as a Democrat, she became an Independent so she could work both sides of the political isle. Sinema is a climber and S.884 proves the point.

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Rectenwald On Transhumanism: Hacking Humanity

When I started to lecture on Transhumanism in 2010, it was a lonely podium. Today, there are hundreds of top scholars warning about the dangerous cult of Transhumanism, that posits evolution is theirs to control via genetic manipulation. This is warmed over eugenics from Nazi Germany and, further back, to the California State government.

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CBDC: Technology And Tyranny Worse Than Prison

The world has been warned over and over again about the dangers of technological capture, but it has not slowed the pace of adoption. The actors pushing this are Technocrats and they are pursuing Technocracy. When citizens finally wake up to what happened, it will be too late to do anything about it.

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Boom: Trilateral Commission Declares “2023 is Year One of this new global order”

The Trilateral Commission's 50th anniversary marks the culmination of its self-proclaimed "New International Economic Order".  On March 12, the Trilateral Commission held its plenary meeting in New Delhi, India to discuss issues relating to globalization. Trilateral Commission co-founder Zbigniew Brzezinski's "Technetronic Era" has apparently officially arrived.

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Barbara Malthusian Hubbard: From Limits to Growth to UN Agenda 2030

Klyczek: "Malthusianism is the bedrock of Darwinism, which is the foundation of eugenics, which is the cornerstone of transhumanism. Put another way, transhumanism encompasses both the Malthusian-sustainable control of population quantity and the Darwinian-eugenic control of population quality by means of technocracy. "

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15-Minute Cities Are Technates In Disguise

The 15-minute city is a cover for a data collection bonanza for Technocrats who would design and operate them. Cities designed for maximum "efficiency" always reveal Technocrat thinking that efficiency itself is the goal, and that maximum surveillance allows for maximum control to achieve even more efficiency. At its very root. this mechanistic thinking is anti-human.

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WEF Seeks To Control All Resources And All People

To Technocrats, people " become nothing more than cogs in the WEF's great trans-humanist, technocratic machine." This mechanistic thinking is at the root of Technocracy, which seeks to control all resources on the planet, including humans. As such, it is anti-human and anti-civilization.

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CNAS: Globalist Think Tank And The Subtleties Of Disinformation

This article is written by a research assistant at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), which has two members of the Trilateral Commission on its board. The article deflects attention to China and Russia as the most likely abusers of AI while ignoring current abuses by our own government. In fact, for Technocracy, there is no such thing as the "free world".

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Boom: Biden Appoints Member Of The Trilateral Commission To Head The World Bank

For anyone who thinks that the Trilateral Commission has no influence in today's world, or indeed, is still calling all the plays, they are ignorant of history and the depth of entanglement that remains to this day. Biden appoints Ajay Banga, former head of Mastercard and a member of the Trilateral Commission, to be President of the World Bank.

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