Search Results for "one health"

Global “Holodomor” Ahead: The Intentional Destruction Of Agriculture

Dutch farmers and fishermen represent the "canary in the coal mine" in the battle to destroy agriculture worldwide. Everything that is happening there is being replicated in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and throughout Europe. Holodomor means "death by hunger," as was intentionally inflicted on Ukrainian peasants during 1932-33, killing at least 5 million. Now that a global Holodomor is forming, it should be as plain as your nose on your face.

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Brownstone: The German Origin Of The Pandemic Treaty

Germany has been at the center of modern globalization since the early 1970s. Germany, for instance, was the originator of the new legal theory of "reflexive law" that the United Nations has since presented it as the only suitable legal system for Sustainable Development. It has since turned the rule of law on its head. Now we see Germany as the originator of the pandemic treaty.

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Plan to Build NIH-Funded Bat Research Lab in Colorado Sparks Fears of Lab Leak

Colorado State University in Fort Collins is totally stonewalling public protest over its new NIH-funded biolab and bat research facility to be completed by the end of summer 2023. CSU's horrible track record of lab leaks in the past should be sufficient to ban it from ever conducting or being involved with gain-of-function research.

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WHO Is Planing Another Pandemic ‘Simulation’

The WHO is a juggernaut of tyranny and scientific dictatorship, aka Technocracy. The COVID-19 "pandemic" served to cause the "Great Panic of 2020", greasing the skids for mass injections of genetic material that was inline with the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution where Klaus Schwab pontificated. "It's going to change YOU". Transhumanism has arrived and is now permanently on the scene.

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Hohmann: The Entire World Is Clamoring For A Global Pandemic Treaty

The World Health Organization and its sister organizations have established a global delusion covering all 194 nations, including the U.S. Delusion is defined as "A belief or altered reality that is persistently held despite evidence or agreement to the contrary, generally in reference to a mental disorder." In short, the world has gone mad. 

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Technocracy Exposed With The World Health Organization’s ‘Pandemic Treaty’

Global public health is merely the prop for the greater scheme of taking control of the entire planet and all of its resources, including humans. If adopted, the treaty will  doom democracy and republicanism to the dustbin of history. Big Pharma and the biotech industry will sit at the top of the new international Technocracy, directing the transmogrification of Humanity 2.0 .

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Insane G20 Calls For Vaccine Passports On All Future International Travel

Technocrats at the G20 conference plotted out the next pandemic, as if it were a certainty, and concluded the best thing is to require vaccine passports for all international travel NOW in order to head off future global consequences. Yes, President Biden attended G20 on behalf of the United States. There is no global legal authority that can shoot this down.

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Breggin: The Global Kidnapping of American Medicine Turns Hospitals into Killing Fields

It is imperative for Americans to recognize that global Technocracy is the clear and present danger to all of society, and to force policy makers to reject all technocrat policies across the board. The pandemic assault is only the first wave of attacks in a larger coup to launch the Great Reset by 2030. The clock is ticking.

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Technocracy Aims To Control Health Systems Worldwide, Forever

Control over the global health system is set to grow. This represents an assault on bodily autonomy down to your genetic structure. It also is an attempt to control the very soul - mind, will and emotions - of everyone on earth. Ultimately, souls will become a tradable commodity like wheat, corn or cattle. Welcome to Scientific Dictatorship, aka Technocracy.

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Ukraine Trigger: New Energy Order, Digital Transformation, Health Architecture

I have said that Technocracy's coup d'état started in 2020 with the COVID pandemic and that there would be other "shoes" to drop in the near future: War in Ukraine fits the criteria because  a new energy order is emerging, as well as a digital security state. Increased cyber attacks will generate calls for a universal identity to gain access to the Internet and basic necessities such as food, transportation, etc.

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