Search Results for AGENDA 2030

Alex Newman: How UN’s 2030 Agenda Is Driving Farming Restrictions

The war on food is part of the larger war to conquer the world. It is now patently obvious that it is an intentional attack. UN Technocrats use fear to drive the world to Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. TN identified the intensification of Technocracy's war in 2015 and has been documenting it ever since.

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UN 2030 Agenda’s Lust For Control Is Behind Global Energy Shortages

This article exemplifies the outcome of the UN's war on energy, and Europe is going to experience the full effect of it with a cold winter, high energy prices and restricted food intake. There is NO shortage of energy anywhere on earth. All shortages are driven by the disingenuous policies of 2030 Agenda and sustainable development, aka Technocracy. Technocracy's war on humanity is intensifying but is still not recognized by the vast majority of citizens who are affected by it.

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Dutch Farmers Rebel: UN’s 2030 Agenda Is Behind Draconian AG Shutdown

The war on food in the Netherlands is spawned by the UN's 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. Controlling food, controls populations. Taking away fertilizer controls food. Dutch farmers recognize this and are fighting back; we need to support this important part of the resistance in every way possible. Famines kill.

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World Urban Forum Looks To Cities To Advance 2030 Agenda

The master plan for all cities around the world, including those in the United States, is embodied in the UN's 2030 Agenda, which officially states that the objective is to transform the world into Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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2030 Agenda: UN Pleads With Global Investors To Help

With only 10 years left and failure staring them in the face, the U.N. is turning to private investors to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.  Their utopian Technocracy is structurally flawed in every way. 

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UN Secretary General Praises Xi Jinping’s Commitment To The 2030 Agenda

This is one of the shortest press releases ever seen from the UN, but Secretary-General Guterres has nothing but praise for Xi Jinping for his part in pushing Sustainable Development and the 2030 Agenda. This is not surprising in that both of them are Technocrats and China is the leading example of Technocracy in the world.

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Cities 2030: Implementing the New Urban Agenda

The United Nations promotes Technocracy through its programs of Sustainable Development, New Urban Agenda and Agenda 2030. It has also sworn to overthrow capitalism and Free Enterprise altogether, and a key part of their strategy is to transform cities throughout the world.

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