Search Results for food

Climate Madness: Destroying The Enemy’s Food Supply Is An Age-Old Military Tactic

Farmers have been declared to be the scapegoats of the mass formation of global warming loons and destroying food production is at the top of their list. Any nation that has bought into this madness is attacking the very means of our survival - food. The world is at war but nobody is crying out. ⁃

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Food Wars: ‘The Dark Cult Of Davos Is Trying To Destroy These Farmers’

If Tiananmen Square was a global wake up call on ruthless totalitarianism, then Dutch Farmers are trying to wake up the world on the war against humanity perpetrated by the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, etc. Collectively, the world is facing another Holodomor event where tens of millions could die from starvation.

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How To Destabilize A Nation With Food And Energy Shortages

Sri Lanka is a warning of what happens when there isn't enough food and energy for the populace: they rebel and topple governments. This is the exact outcome desired by Technocracy because Technocrats can then be appointed to take over and run things directly. The State Ministry of Education is already "transforming Sri Lanka into a smart nation through the ICT sector". It's website address? ""!

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Dutch Farmers Combat The Global War On Food

Nitrogen is inert and not a "greenhouse gas", but it is absolutely necessary for plant growth. There is 4 times as much nitrogen in our atmosphere as oxygen because it does not bind well with the solid earth. Thus, farmers use nitrogen fertilizer to inject it into the ground. The only conceivable reason to withhold nitrogen from farmers is to intentionally destroy the food supply.

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Rockefeller Agenda At Work: The Great Reset Of The U.S. Food System

The Rockefeller Foundation predicted food shortages in 2020 in a major policy paper, Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System. Was this merely predictive or was it a signal for causation? Whatever the case, it calls for cradle-to-grave management of our food system for the sake of "food security".

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Who Is Burning Down America’s Food Processing Plants?

Another large egg producer was ravaged by fire, further reducing food stocks and driving up prices on remaining capacity. Whatever the reason, people across the nation are wondering why over 15 (so far) plants have been burned down in 2022. Personally, I do not remember a time in history where so much damage was done to a single industry in such a short period of time.

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James Rickards: “We Are On The Precipice Of Global Food Crisis”

Both crises of energy and food represent the next waves of attack in Technocracy's coup d'état that started with the engineered pandemic crisis of 2020. TN has warned for years that Technocrats intended to implement a scorched-earth policy to destroy capitalism and free enterprise in order to flip the world into Technocracy.

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The Great Reset Now Includes ‘Genetically Edited’ Food

This article unequivocally confirms my topic at the Crimes Against Humanity tour: "The Takeover Of All Genetic Material On Earth", which is shocking in scope and consequence. These megalomaniac scientists have been methodically plotting this uninvited takeover in earnest since 1992.

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Are Railroads Colluding To Curtail Food Production?

Holodomor means "death by hunger" in Ukrainian, and Americans would do well to revisit the details of that horrible Ukraine genocide where up to 7 million rural farmers and peasants died after their means to grow food was intentionally removed from them.

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Controlled Food System Is In Place And Accelerating

This is a must-read article. Russia is at war with Ukraine, the food and grain breadbasket of Europe. Russia is the largest exporter of wheat in the world. Food is an issue globally and in the U.S.  The supply chain for food is also breaking down at the same time. It's time to say no to control over food and free the farmers to do their time-tested job of feeding the world.

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