Search Results for great reset

The Great Reset Now Includes ‘Genetically Edited’ Food

This article unequivocally confirms my topic at the Crimes Against Humanity tour: "The Takeover Of All Genetic Material On Earth", which is shocking in scope and consequence. These megalomaniac scientists have been methodically plotting this uninvited takeover in earnest since 1992.

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Sanctions On Russia Being Used To Hasten The Great Reset

Sanctions on Russia are killing the West, not Russia. Why? Because the war is not about Russia, but rather killing capitalism and Free Enterprise, which is a requirement for the Great Reset, aka Technocracy, to take over the world. This insightful article is a must read.

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America’s Deteriorating Energy Grid Will Be Major Driver In Great Reset

The war on carbon-based fuels coupled with the rise of alternative energy has degraded America's energy network to the point that we are faced with soaring electricity bills, rolling blackouts, factory shutdowns and outright failure of the grid. If unreliability doesn't get your immediate attention, your future energy bills will.

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Great Reset: Biden Pledges To ‘Remake’ American Economy At UN Conference

But, he says don't worry, that his agenda will help Americans save energy by installing solar panels on their homes to make them more energy efficient. This is patently insane Technocrat babbling about saving the world by destroying the world. In the end, the anti-carbon rhetoric will be seen as anti-human.

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Next: 1,000 Private Jets Will Assemble In Davos To Execute The Great Reset

Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, is a Utopian myth that will not "save the world" but rather destroy it. Its cracked policies have been noted for at least 30 years and the fruit of destruction is all around us. If successful, their dream that "You will own nothing" will not bring happiness, but rather homelessness.

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COP26 & The Great Reset: The Not So Glorious Prospect Of Owning Nothing

The snake is eating its tail. Curtailing energy in any form curtails economic activity by the same amount because all economic activity requires energy. Many countries will have a cold, dark winter thanks to the contrived energy crunch around the world. The transformation to Technocracy is predicated on the destruction of the existing economic system.

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Glasgow, COP26, World Economic Forum, Great Reset

Get ready for the "Glasgow Declaration" as the UN meets with global oligarchs from the World Economic Forum in Glasgow to hammer out the destruction of the old economic system and the initiation of the Great Reset. As attendees fly in on private jets, the discussions will focus on removing carbon from the atmosphere

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Flashback: Why Coronavirus Will Accelerate The Great Reset

This chilling article is a must-read to understand why the pandemic is the ramrod for the Great Reset. One silver lining, it states, "is the chance to experiment with technologies and co-operative approaches across borders".  Thus, the entire human race is seen as their experimental laboratory to try out new technologies like genetic engineering, universal ID, etc.

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How The Great Reset Is Accelerating Into Global Tyranny

Since 1978, I have stated that the global elite's goal is to grab all of the resources of the world, leaving no private ownership for anyone else. When I discovered historic Technocracy, it was clear that it was the means used to do so. Today, it is in-your-face obvious. If they are successful, it will represent the greatest heist in the history of the world.

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Endgame: Forced Vaccination Targets WEF ‘Great Reset’ As Outcome

Don't be "gaslighted" by the World Economic Forum or the Big Pharma medical system: These have declared war on humanity by ripping apart the fabric of society through tyranny. It is a scorched-earth strategy that provides the survivors with the opportunity to "build back better." The losers will left in a state of neo-feudalism where "you will own nothing and be happy."

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