Search Results for transhumanism

When Dissent Ends, Transhumanism Reigns And Digitization Rules, Humanity Will Cease To Be Human

The author correctly states, "By not speaking out, and by not responding, you have spoken loudly, and openly committed an act of cowardice. The ultimate blame lies not just with the aggressor in this circumstance, but also equally with he who hides and remains silent."

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Transhumanism: Elitists And Their Detractors

Indeed, dissent to Transhumanism comes from "those who dislike being told that the future belongs to the posthuman rather than to themselves and their offspring." Resistance is never futile and Transhuman ideology can and should be confronted at every level. The future belongs to humanity at large and not to a narrow group of Transhumans.

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Transhumanism: Dishing Up A Eugenic Future With Artificial Gametes

Tens of thousands of genetic scientists around the world are racing to tinker with the building blocks of life. No matter how much they protest that they are not Transhumanists, by definition they are exactly that. They are continuing the practice of eugenics that started in the early 1900s, progressed through Nazi Germany and now is legitimatized in top Universities.

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Transhumanism: Dancing With The Digital Devil

Many people flippantly dismiss alarms over transhumanism, not realizing that they are being drawn into the most clever trap in human history; one that promises Utopia but delivers destruction. This article is a must-read deep think that enhances the title of my latest book, The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism.

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Evolutionary Transhumanism: The End Of Our Species As We Know It?

C.S. Lewis concluded in the Abolition of Man that the more man looks into nature with the eye to master and control it, the more man himself is taken captive by nature. This is unexpected, but the logical conclusion is that it will ultimately result in the abolition of man, not nature.

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Rectenwald On Transhumanism: Hacking Humanity

When I started to lecture on Transhumanism in 2010, it was a lonely podium. Today, there are hundreds of top scholars warning about the dangerous cult of Transhumanism, that posits evolution is theirs to control via genetic manipulation. This is warmed over eugenics from Nazi Germany and, further back, to the California State government.

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How Transhumanism Is At At Odds With Christianity

One Christian writer offers six reasons why Transhumanism is wrong and ill-fated. Because it seeks to structurally change humans, it deserves critical analysis from all sides. My latest book, The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, reveals how global elitists at all levels are pushing Transhumanism; in reality, it is a return of eugenics from the 20th century.

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Flashback: Transhumanism’s “Wail Of Despair” For Immortality

This article compares the path of Transhumanism with Christianity, noting similarities and contrasts. The Transhuman's Holy Grail is achieving immortality, but alas, without a truly human body. Such a post-human dream is a dead end street because it strips away all that it means to be human.

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Transhumanism: What Is It And Why Is It Evil?

This article is a deep dive into the history and background of Transhumanism. It underscores the title of my latest book, The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism. Transhumanism is an ideological pseudoscience that cannot possibly succeed, but will leave a wake of human destruction and harm in its path.

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