Search Results for food

Transhumanism, Eugenics And Faking The Singularity

In the Transhumanist mind, the only way for Transhumanism to succeed is to take over the entire health care delivery system in order to practice their twisted practice of modern eugenics. For anyone who thought that Nazi Germany was an isolated and localized incidence of eugenics, it is now global, pervasive and insidious. America and the world must forcefully reject this entire ideology and its practitioners.

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UK’s ‘Nudge Unit’ Manipulates People Toward ‘Net Zero Society’

In an earlier report, the "nudge unit" recommended that banks track carbon footprint of financial transactions and social interactions to reward "sustainable behaviors". The nudge theory was created by Technocrat economists Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein in their book, 2008 as a new tool of social engineering.  The theory has been applied to COVID-19, medical care, climate change, etc.

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Scientists Use CRISPR To Put Genes From Alligator Into Catfish

Transgenic gene editing means taking a genetic sequence from one species and inserting it into another. The United Nations is cataloging the DNA of all species on earth for this very reason: mix and match. Given enough time, these Technocrat/Transhumanist scientists will cause a meltdown of life on earth from genetic corruption.

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Got Milk? China Building Herd Of Mutant GMO Super Cows

As a maturing Technocracy, China is steeped in genetic modification of everything that concerns the food supply. GMO milk at scale could negatively affect health of huge numbers of people. Technocrats invent because they are compelled, not because there is an informed demand to do so.

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Bill Gates Invested In Artificial Eggs Before Mysterious Egg Shortage and Price Hikes

Gates unnatural interest in food includes massive acreage of U.S. farmland, investments in artificial meat companies like Beyond Meat and now an artificial egg company that aims to replace real eggs laid by chickens. With food processing companies burning to the ground and chickens suddenly declining in egg laying, egg prices have gone though the roof. Coincidence?

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Project Veritas Stings Pfizer, Discovers ‘Directed Evolution’ Of Virus To Maximize Profits

Of course, the Pfizer executive says "directed evolution" is different than "gain-of-function", but the result is the same and pre-meditated as well. Creating mutations of a virus in order to prepare vaccines for that mutation in advance is not only grossly unethical but patently illegal as well. This is the darkest side of Technocracy at work.

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Didn’t Take Long: Crushed Bug ‘Additive’ Being Fed To Kids Across The EU

In the wake of EU approval of two types of insects for human consumption, products are flooding the shelves of EU grocery stores. Now children are being fed meatless diets in order to save the world from flatulating bovines and resource-intensive ranchers. Some cultures in poorer areas of the world eat bugs mostly because they are poor and cannot afford other types of protein.

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Lab-Grown Meat Moves Closer To American Dinner Plates

Why the unending push for lab-grown meat? Technocrats and Transhumanists are bent on getting delivery systems to the human body and food is a logical choice. The old adage, "you are what you eat" comes to mind. Lab-grown meat can be modified to include any life-altering material that might affect bodily systems. Naturally-grown meat is not accessible.

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EU Approves House Crickets And Mealworms For Human Consumption

The insect craze is gaining steam in the EU. Any food may now contain insect protein as long as it is labeled as such, e.g., "insect biscuits" or "insect paste". Technocrats partly reason that insects take fewer resources to grow than other forms of agriculture like row crops and animal husbandry. Technocracy, of course, is a resource based economic system that prizes efficiency.

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Solari Report: Ways To Stop Central Bank Digital Currencies

CBDCs are in the works, but transparency and mass action can throw a huge monkey wrench into their implementation. The Solari Report offers a few concrete steps people can take, with the most important being to increase the use of cash while explaining to recipients why cash is endangered and what they can do about it.

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