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Carbon Credit Scam: Pay Indulgences For Sin Of Breathing

Breathing in is free. Breathing out will cost you because you emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Humans are carbon-based entities that exist because of the carbon lifecycle of nature. Basically, the global Technocrat scammers want to penalize you for living. You can easily see the population reduction agenda at work.

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Siemens Chairman Calls for ‘Billion People to Stop Eating Meat’

The giant tech company Siemens and its chairman are completely sold out to Technocracy and total control over humanity. Upending traditional agriculture makes way for artificial lab-grown protein and insect farms. Snabe can eat whatever he wants, but he has no business telling you what you should eat!

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WEF On Disinformation: Top “Global Risk”, “Most Existential Problem” Facing The World

Meanwhile at the WEF meeting, New York Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger spoke at the panel, "Clear & Present Danger of Disinformation", and claimed that disinformation is the "Most Existential Problem" facing the planet today. In fact, it is the WEF's own narrative that is the biggest threat.

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Brownstone: Technocratic Dystopia Is Impossible

This author correctly demonstrates that the Utopian dream of Technocracy cannot work, could never work and will never work. The only question is how much of the world will it destroy before everyone else figures this out?

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‘A New System’: Inside DAVOS Summit 2023

The Agenda at this year's WEF Summit in Davos was set prior to arrival of guests: it's all about a "new system". Of course, this is the intended system to be produced by the WEF's highly-prized Great Reset, aka Sustainable Development, Fourth Industrial Revolution and Technocracy. Never mind that the "new system" will turn all economic activity on its ear; or civilization on its head. Brainwashing is as brainwashing does.

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Toxic Stew: Big Pharma Seeks To Inject Livestock With mRNA ‘Vaccines’

I have already thoroughly documented the Technocrat/Transhuman goal of taking over all genetic material on earth. (see video below) This article is indicative. Although mRNA is the current vector for changing biological functions, direct DNA manipulation is coming. The megalomanic gene scientists who see no problem with hijacking life itself must be forcefully rejected in word and deed.

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Biden Administration Seeks (Again) To Ban Gas Stoves

The "green" agenda is patently insane to try to ban natural gas from cooing and heating. Yet, it keeps coming back like a bad penny. This madness is anti-human and anti-civilizational, and yet people are still not rejecting these Technocrat ideologues who are convinced that their pseudo-science is correct and that we should "follow the science". Don't follow!

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Technocrats-In-Action: Nation-Killing COVID Lockdowns Were Spawned During Trump Admin

Technocrats are apolitical. You cannot cast the COVID pandemic era in terms of political persuasion, left or right.  The fact is, COVID lockdown policy originated during the Trump Administration with Trump's former FDA Director (2017-2019), Dr. Scott Gottlieb, who just happened to also be a director of Pfizer.

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Criminal Minds See The Internet of Things Is The Next Big Hacking Prize

Technocrats are building out the Internet of Things using 5G wireless communications to connect everything that can be connected. However, the IoT is infinitely hackable because of so many unsecured points of entry. This hackable playground is also extending to the Internet of Everything and the Internet of Bodies. Imagine someone gaining access to a patient's pacemaker and turning it off.

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