Search Results for great reset

The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism

Technocracy and Transhumanism have become allies in the quest to conquer humanity, nature and the world system. Underlying this is the evil philosophy of Scientism, which is the worship of science. This mechanistic thinking treats humans on the same level as animals, insects or even trees in the forrest. Thus, these new “intelligent designers” have no problem in applying their science to change you and the world around you.

6G, Internet Of Bodies: Globalists Won’t Stop Hacking Humans

If you think 5G is bad, you won't want to know about 6G, which will introduce the Internet of Bodies (IoB), potentially tying all humans into a global "hive mind". Unproductive members who do nothing but consume "precious" resources, will be targeted for removal; the ultimate technocrat reasoning is that humans and all other resources are on the same level. Thus, cutting back on humans is no different than cutting down trees in the forest.

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Beyond Censorship: Destroying Dissenters Through Cyberwarfare

When a military grade cyberwarfare attack is leveled at globalist narrative dissenters, it is comparable to a Predator  drone striking out of nowhere. The result can be not only devastating but existential. Technocrats are quietly training the big guns of cyberwarfare on citizens to dare to question globalist policies, objectives and players. Answer: speak up, speak out.

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Flu Season Sees Calls For Return To Face Mask Mania

They are at it again. Medical Technocrats will not let face masks go until the public thoroughly and openly rejects and rebukes them for bringing destruction to our nation. Face masks have been proven beyond a shadow of doubt to be worthless against the spread of a virus. Bottom line: Don't comply, don't consent, be vocal.

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WARNING: Rishi Sunak Will Usher In A Technocratic Age Of Global Totalitarianism Using Central Bank Digital Currencies

With the appointment of Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister, the United Kingdom has jumped from the frying pan into the fire. Sunak is an outspoken advocate for Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) that would replace the existing system of fiat currencies in the world. This would be the capstone for Technocracy.

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New Alberta Premier Refuses To Associate With World Economic Forum

As some leaders are shaking off the deleterious aftermath of COVID mania, they are waking up to the fraud and manipulation by the World Economic Forum. Alberta's new premier has rejected association with the WEF and for good reason: they have done nothing useful for Alberta and have caused a lot of damage along the way. This rejection needs to go global.

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Alternative Economies: The Defense Against Technocracy?

Technocracy intends to destroy capitalism and free market economics, replacing it with a resource-based economic system that obviates private property, insures poverty and dependence upon the scientific dictatorship for survival. States have the power to withdraw from this attack and create alternative free-market alternatives.

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Big Pharma Is Putting All Of Humanity At Risk Of Demographic Collapse

Stillbirths, vaginal hemorrhaging, miscarriages, preeclampsia, premature births, inability to conceive, reduced sperm count in men, etc., are reaching an existential tipping point and yet, Big Pharma, government and media continue to promote mRNA injections for pregnant women. With the refusal to stop this program, it is revealing itself as a major bioweapon attack on humanity.

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Technocracy: The Full Digitization of Everything, And Then Some

The world is sleep-walking into its own demise, driven by its own desire for convenience and self-indulgent addiction. The global trap is set, primed for the enslavement of humanity. Is this the future you want? Or do you want to reclaim your humanity and reject the Technocratic tyranny?

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Mercola: Technocracy’s Digital Dictatorship Is Ever So Close

Private companies that harvest unimaginable amounts of data from the Internet, sell that data to governments who in turn use it to spy on citizens. External data is not enough, however, so now the quest is for psychographic data about your state-of-mind and propensity for "wrong think". The corral gates are closing at an alarming rate, making escape increasingly difficult.

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