Search Results for AGENDA 2030

Rectenwald On Transhumanism: Hacking Humanity

When I started to lecture on Transhumanism in 2010, it was a lonely podium. Today, there are hundreds of top scholars warning about the dangerous cult of Transhumanism, that posits evolution is theirs to control via genetic manipulation. This is warmed over eugenics from Nazi Germany and, further back, to the California State government.

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How Transhumanism Is At At Odds With Christianity

One Christian writer offers six reasons why Transhumanism is wrong and ill-fated. Because it seeks to structurally change humans, it deserves critical analysis from all sides. My latest book, The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, reveals how global elitists at all levels are pushing Transhumanism; in reality, it is a return of eugenics from the 20th century.

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Globalists’ Polycrisis Of Doom Is Of Their Own Making

Every single crisis facing the world today has been orchestrated by the same global elitists who want to take over the world. Says Klaus Schwab: "Stakeholder capitalism, a model I first proposed a half-century ago, positions private corporations as trustees of society, and is clearly the best response to today’s social and environmental challenges." 

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Dutch Farmers Rebel, Win Enough Senate Seats To Block Technocrats

When you are backed into a corner and there is no escape except certain destruction, then you fight like crazy to claw your way out. Normally mild-mannered farmers in Netherlands took to the streets and then to the ballot box to get their voices heard, basically neutering the globalist coalition government. This should be a "shot heard around the world" that the Great Reset is not yet a fait accompli.

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Prince Michael On Europe’s Regulatory-Technocratic Suicide

The author concludes, "It was always doubtful that technocrats could develop solutions better than the market does." Technocratic micro-management always results in gridlock that cannot be rationalized away. Technocrats simply move on to another project to "solve" and micromanage some more. Technocrats are typically too deep in the forest to see the trees.

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Trump’s Call For Building ‘Freedom Cities’ Mimics Technocracy

Building newly engineered 'Freedom Cities' from scratch would guarantee embedding the latest smart city technology used for surveillance and control. This would not make America great again, but rather would push it into the arms of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, The Great Reset and hence, Technocracy. 

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UN: Transforming How We Eat, ‘A Critical Accelerator’ To SDGs

Should the UN have any part of "transforming food systems worldwide"? No. Was there something wrong with the existing food system? No. The UN views such transformation as a critical "accelerator" to achieve its equally fraudulent Sustainable Development Goals. Nevertheless, the UN is striving for a complete upside-down transformation of existing food production. Let them eat bugs.

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Warning: WHO Names Transhumanist Dr. Jeremy Farrar As Chief Scientist For Global Health

You are about to understand why I wrote The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, i.e., they are both evil to the bone. The joint coup involves the entire takeover of global health in order to establish a global eugenics program to create Humanity 2.0. It is insane, but it is very real and speeding like a bullet train.

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Carbon Credit Scam: Pay Indulgences For Sin Of Breathing

Breathing in is free. Breathing out will cost you because you emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Humans are carbon-based entities that exist because of the carbon lifecycle of nature. Basically, the global Technocrat scammers want to penalize you for living. You can easily see the population reduction agenda at work.

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Day 6: Technocracy’s Necessary Requirements

Only seven requirements were specified to implement Technocracy in 1934. The technology didn’t exist then to do the job, but it does exist today and it is being used to set the stage for Scientific Dictatorship.