Search Results for china

Police State: China’s Ultimate Weapon Can Set Your Hair On Fire

China is the land of Technocrat inventors who support the 'science of social engineering' and controlling the population is central to the mission. Citizens are already tracked 24x7 by cameras equipped with facial recognition and ranked by social credit scoring systems. Dissent will not be tolerated.

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China Elevates Technocrat To Lead Communist Youth League

China is a Technocracy and its actions and appointments continually bear this out. The Communist Youth League is one of the most important political structures in China and is now being led by a recognized Technocrat. One key object of Technocracy is the 'science of social engineering'.

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China Introduces Driverless Ambulances And Robot Doctors

Technocrats in China use herd management principles to automate every aspect of health care. It is theoretically possible for an sick citizen to never see a human in the care of their illness. Does China have enough people to educate more doctors and nurses? Of course, but Technocrats prefer engineering solutions to any problem.

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China’s Robo-Bird Drones Take Citizen Surveillance To New Heights

Technocrats in China constantly dream up new ways to gather data from the social environment. Robotic doves equipped with cameras are virtually undetectable from real birds, and can be deployed in flocks. The stealth birds might be covered with real feathers in order to avoid radar and sonic detection.

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Xi Jinping: China Must Lead Way For Global Governance

Technocracy in China is going to be exported to the entire world in the form of 'governance'. This is the science of social engineering, and it has already blanketed China with ubiquitous surveillance and manipulation through social credit scoring. Technocrat and global scholar Parag Khanna predicted, ”We are building this global society without a global leader. Global order is no longer some-thing that can be dictated or controlled from the top down. Globalization is itself the order.”

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In China, Cockroach Farms May Be The Future Of Food

Technocrats in China live for maximum efficiency and have figured out that the way to get rid of China's discarded food is to feed it to cockroaches. Cockroach 'ranches' can host 4-5 billion of the insects at one time.

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Study: Authoritarian Countries Like China Are Fudging Their GDP Reports

TN has long-held that as a Technocracy, China was faking economic data about its fully-engineered society. This is a natural result of insisting that your predicted outcomes must be correct, so data to the contrary is simply ignored. In short, the Technocrat mind cannot be wrong, so always make it look 'right'.

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Study: China Really Did Take Millions Of U.S. Manufacturing Jobs

As documented in Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, China was transformed into a Technocracy at the hands of the Trilateral Commission elite starting in the 1970s. In short, American was purposely plundered. The next wave of destruction will come from robots displacing jobs.

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Frankenstein: Surgeons In China Looking To Transplant A Human Head

Radical medical experiments are often seen in China, rather than the US or Europe, because Technocracy has no strong ethic or desire to prevent them. If science can 'do it', then it should. This also appeals to the Transhuman movement which seeks to achieve immortality through science.

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