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Unholy Trinity: Facebook As Fact, Government As Truth, Big Pharma As God

Billions are trapped in the Matrix that tells them what to think, when to think and how to think. Their reality is manipulated by a small cohort of international perpetrators who seem themselves as worthy to direct the fate of the whole world. Wonder why Free Speech under siege? Well, speak up and help these people get free.

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World Health Organization Charges Anti-Vaxxers With “Anti-Science Aggression”

The WHO is increasingly revealing itself to be a biomedical terrorist organization that is itself completely unplugged from any semblance of real science. Those unvaccinated people who resist or refute the WHO are now labeled as a "major killing force globally." This is the polar opposite of the truth of the matter.

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Prelude to Day 7: China Is The World’s First Technate

This is an in-depth (7,800 word) and must-read analysis of China's journey from Communism to Technocracy, a much more natural system for China's history and culture. Misreading China's current state of existence is to misread the greatest threat the world has ever seen, yet is the least-spoken of. No, China isn't the threat, our own governments are striving to recreate the China experience, especially in the U.S.

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Coming Soon: Climate Lockdowns And The “15 Minute City”

Urban reorganization to limit dwellers to a 15 minute radius by bicycle or foot traffic is all about mitigating global warming. It also paves the way for outright "climate lockdown" similar to pandemic lockdowns. In reality, the "15 minute city" is a step toward urban gulag where people will by kept like ants in an ant-farm.

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High Command: mRNA “Vaccines” To Be Required For Military

What's one more shot on top of 17 other required inoculation? Biden has institutionalized a conveyor belt for continuous invention/adaptation of mRNA "vaccines" for every conceivable virus that might come our way. Hacking the human body and genome risks decimating our military might and needlessly harming our young men and women who voluntarily choose to serve.

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Brains Transformed: How Primitive Pixels Evolved into Biodigital Brains

Evil does not reside in the atomic structures of technology, but rather in the heart of man. Whatever means, whatever discoveries, whatever available resources, will always be appropriated by evil men to do evil things. Transhumanism is no different except that it will leave its followers disgruntled, dismayed and permanently damaged.

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Warning From UK: Technocracy And The Global Technate Are Imminent

As other writers see Technocracy for what it is: "A Technate degrades the citizen to the status of a dog or a machine. We only exist to serve Continental Control and the Function Sequence directorates. These will be led by an untouchable parasite class who claim peck-rights and absolute authority over all." The distinction between mere Technocratic governance and a full-blown Technate is critical to understand.

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Technocracy In China: The World’s First Technate – Part 1

As more journalists and researchers examine Technocracy, the tidal wave of alarm is spreading rapidly throughout the world. As TN has claimed for 15 years, China is a full-blown Technocracy hiding behind the trappings of Communism; but it isn't Communism. This is a must-read investigative report.

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G20 Signs Declaration for International Vaccine Passport

It's not about health. It's about control. Absolute control. "Your papers, please." Anyone who does not want to receive mRNA-based injections that Pfizer admits was never tested for transmission of a virus, is grounded from international travel. Nations will the adopt the same passport for domestic travel on airplanes, trains, busses, automobiles.

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Sustainable Development Transcends Political Systems To Control Everything

Rosa Koire, founder of Democrats Against U.N. Agenda 21, was a rare person who completely grasp the enormity of Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy: "It is the blueprint, the comprehensive plan of action for the 21st century to inventory and control all land, all water, all plants, all minerals, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all law enforcement, all health care, all food, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world."

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