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WEF Strategy: Young Global Leaders, Global Shapers, New Champions

The World Economic Forum is creating a tsunami of activists and operatives who are brainwashed with the dogma of  Transhumanism and Technocracy, and preaching the gospel of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. They march to the lyrics of Schwab's book, The Great Narrative. This is the largest and most widespread delusion in history.

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Climate Change: The Doxa Of The Green Faith

Global warming has more in common with a radical religion than with science. Legitimate scientists have thoroughly debunked climate alarmism but all such science is flatly rejected, even though it totally refutes alarmists' conclusions. The only solution is to keep the green technocrat crowd out of public policy.

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Elitists Are Building Megalopolis, Where Plebs Will Eat Insects

Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, is anti-human and anti-civilization, but only a minuscule of people understand just how dangerous and pervasive this agenda really is. Yes, cricket protein powder has already been commercialized and will be increasingly seen in grocery store products.

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LewRockwell: Doctors For Disaster Preparedness Bringing Truth To Light In Vegas

It was a privilege to address this DDP conference and more-so to see it reported around the world. Technocracy and Transhumanism are clear and present dangers to humanity, far transcending national politics and sideshows. These truths must be set free from the bondage of censorship.

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Forget Politician Puppets: It’s The Global Technocracy That Must Be Broken

Technocracy cannot be broken from the top down. It must be broken from the bottom up, in local communities where you live. Even though the "system" is orchestrated from the top, all the expression of it winds up being local. People around the world are beginning to get this and are taking action where they live.

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Global Censorship: UN Education Agency Launches War on ‘Conspiracy Theories’

Technocracy's assault on the world is predicated on censorship of any contrary narrative to the artificial truth they are pushing to obscure their strategies and tactical methods. The global WWIII has begun but it is a war like never seen before in world history: energy, famine, biological warfare, economic destruction.

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Power Company Seizes Control Of Thermostats In Colorado During Heatwave

TN has warned and posted dozens of stories since the inception of Smart Meter rollout and the resulting Smart Grid under the Obama Administration. Many people laughed. Twenty-two thousand people in Colorado aren't laughing anymore as their utility company has hijacked their smart meters to control their thermostats.

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Dr. Meryl Nass Debunks SARS-CoV-2 ‘Virus Isn’t Real’, ‘Never Been Isolated’ Myths

In my 45 years of research and writing, there has been a constant flow of myths that pop up to muddy the waters. In the majority of cases, these myths were part of a psychological operation (psyop) to distract, divide and confuse the truth. Unfortunately, too many people believe the lie and are neutralized. It's time to put an end to this myth that SARS-CoV-2 doesn't exist and hasn't been isolated. It does and it has!

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Invasion: 4.9 Million Illegal Aliens Entered US Since Biden Elected

Illegal immigration into Europe and the US is the specific policy of the Trilateral Commission that re-birthed Technocracy in 1973. The late Peter Sutherland said, "No other force—not trade, not capital flows—has the potential to transform lives in sustainable, positive ways and on the scale that migration does”. He almost single-handedly broke Europe through invasion from the mideast.

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