Search Results for AGENDA 2030

UN Secretary-General’s Statement Concluding COP27 In Egypt

Blather, blather, blather. Last time I looked, we are not "facing a burning planet." In fact, cold temperatures at the South Pole this November have shattered all records since data collection started in 1957. Well, don't bother the United Nations with the facts: they wouldn't know what to do with them if their lives depended on it.

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New Alberta Premier Refuses To Associate With World Economic Forum

As some leaders are shaking off the deleterious aftermath of COVID mania, they are waking up to the fraud and manipulation by the World Economic Forum. Alberta's new premier has rejected association with the WEF and for good reason: they have done nothing useful for Alberta and have caused a lot of damage along the way. This rejection needs to go global.

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Poor In UK? Major Supermarket To Pitch Bugs For Survival Diet

As more of the world is impoverished on the way to 2030 - where you will "own nothing and be happy" - Technocrats have already planned your survival menu: bugs! The world could easily be awash with meat, vegetables and grain, but why waste good food on down-and-outer poor people, right? The megalomaniacal, psychopathic elite cadre of Technocrats need to be thrown out of all public policy.

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Synthetic Salvation: On Genomics, Mind Uploads, and the Quest for Immortality

Elitists want to live forever but common folk will die and end up as rich compost. Transhumanism and Technocracy are evil twins that are currently in control of the global narrative, policies and outcomes. They must be rejected before they do permanent damage to humans and the planet we live on.

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Transhumanism: The Dominant Ideology Of The Fourth Industrial Revolution

This excellent paper from a French Professor of political science concluded that "transhumanism is already a dominant ideology, as it crushes all other ideological positions regarding technological change." Technocracy and Transhumanism are like Siamese twins joined at the ideological hip.

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AI: A Secular Look At The Digital Antichrist

[su_note note_color="#daf2fd" radius="2"]Highjacking evolution in order to become the "intelligent designers" of life on earth reflects the urge of transhumans to become like God. It also reflects their utter contempt for God as the original intelligence behind all earthly design. Regardless of how it is positioned, the transhuman goal is anti-God and anti-human.

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World Bank Creates $1 Billion Fund For Vaccine Passports

Global Technocrats, all unelected and unaccountable, are bent on creating vaccine passports. There is no discussion with nation-states or actual citizens who will be forced into taking the passports. A universal digital ID is the Holy Grail of Technocracy because it will enable a "Skynet" system of total control. The World Bank's backing guarantees that Central Bank Digital Currency will be tightly coupled with vaccine passports.

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The Power Of Where: The UN’s Rapidly Expanding GEOINT Infrastructure

Geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) was defined in 2005 by James R. Clapper (Lt. Gen., USAF, Ret) as encompassing "all aspects of imagery and geospatial information and services. It includes, but is not limited to the analysis of literal imagery; geospatial data; and information technically derived from the processing, exploitation, literal, and non-literal analysis of spectral, spatial, and temporal fused products."

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Climate Cult Hammers Europe During Energy Crisis

There are three sides to the climate narrative: First, the loonies that run around as if crazy, screaming the sky is falling. Second, the government vice-grip that implements crushing policies. Third, the global elitists who plan and orchestrate the whole program. Reject them all and get a good night's sleep.

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Corbett: Technocracy Is Insane, Anti-Human And It WILL Fail

James Corbett is exactly right and for the right reasons: Technocracy is a pipe dream. As gravity is a law that cannot be ignored, things fall to the ground whether they wish to or not, so will Technocracy fall back to the law of reality in due time. In the meantime, Technocrats and Transhumans can do a lot of damage to humanity and civilization. For those who see the train wreck coming, #WalkAwayFromTechnocracy.

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