Search Results for china

Trilateral Commission Member Joseph Nye Speaks Out On China, Asia

When Nye states, "Contrary to conspiracy theories, the Commission has little power", he is speaking of this writer's seminal works Trilaterals Over Washington, Vol. I and II, co-authored with the late Professor Antony Sutton. The Trilateral Commission and its members stand naked before the clear documentation of history, and no amount of self-effacing rhetoric will erase that.

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Forget Facebook: China Now Mines Data Directly From Workers’ Brain

Orwell was a Neanderthal at surveillance compared to what Technocrats in China are currently implementing: brain-wave sensors that continuously monitor your emotions and state-of-mind. While offered as a 'worker safety' technique, there is no comfort to be taken from this draconian application to control human behavior.

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Why China Assigns Every Citizen A ‘Social Credit Score’

China is a fully-engineered Technocracy that is now assigning a social credit score to all 1.4 billion citizens in order to force compliance. Millions of real-time cameras and other censors continuously monitor behavior and thoughts; if they are able to automatically ding you for such small things as smoking in non-smoking areas, then complete oppression is a heart-beat away. This technology is already coming back to America, and Americans should be in full-alarm panic mode to stop it before it takes root here. Chinese citizens are trapped like animals in a cage, and have no possibility of resistance or escape.

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China Joins The Global Push For Cashless Society

Technocracy demands total digital control over the entire global economy, and this cannot be achieved until cash has been completely driven out; this war on cash is already evident on every continent in the world, and it not to be taken lightly!

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China Opposes All Forms Of Protectionism Says Commerce Minister

Short article with a long history. China was originally (1973 onward)  built and shaped into a Technocracy by members of the Trilateral Commission, which concreted the idea that Free Trade was everything and that all national barriers around the world must be removed. It is no surprise that China continues to rail against protectionism.

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China Blanketing Tibet With Massive Rain-Making Geoengineering Project

As a Technocracy, China has a scientific solution for everything, including its perceived lack of fresh water. Their solution is to install tens of thousands of cloud-seeding chambers in Tibet that will create clouds to dump rain on China. The project is developed by state-owned China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, a defense contractor.

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China Completes 5G Autonomous Driving Test In Showcase Tech City

Technocracy in China works like this: President Xi Jinping personally directed the creation of the development zone, then his 'government' picked Baidu to conduct the driving tests. In addition, Baidu created a public-private partnership with the Xiongan local government. They are using a 5G wireless network environment for virtually instant communication.

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Credit Suisse Prediction: China Will Win The A.I. Race

Credit Suisse is one of the biggest and most influential banks in the world. Their assessment is correct because China has no data privacy laws and can do anything they it wants with the big data that it is collecting on every citizen. AI has two ingredients: first, the big data and second, the A.I. algorithms to analyze it.

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Guiyang, China: Real-Time Facial Recognition From Cameras In 10,000 Public Areas Catch Suspects In 2 Minutes

Americans think, "Haha, look at what China is doing", not realizing that this very same technology is coming to America and will enable a Scientific Dictatorship at which even Huxley or Orwell would recoil. Well, Americans had better wake up the the real and present danger of Technocracy!

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China’s New Central Bank Head Is US-Trained Technocrat

The new head of China's Central Bank received his Ph.D. from University of Illinois and was a professor of economics at Indiana University in Indianapolis. In other words, he is a product of America as much as China. Bloomberg calls him a Technocrat. The picture of Xi Jinping as omnipotent dictator may have sprouted some puppet strings.

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