Search Results for food

Klaus Schwab Declares China To Be A ‘Role Model’

Klaus, a primo Technocrat, loves China, a whole nation of primo Technocrats. Of course they love each other. "Birds of a feather, flock together." Most of Silicon Valley loves China. Most global industrialists love China. When you have the power to mold the clay any which way you want, the world is your potter's studio.

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6G, Internet Of Bodies: Globalists Won’t Stop Hacking Humans

If you think 5G is bad, you won't want to know about 6G, which will introduce the Internet of Bodies (IoB), potentially tying all humans into a global "hive mind". Unproductive members who do nothing but consume "precious" resources, will be targeted for removal; the ultimate technocrat reasoning is that humans and all other resources are on the same level. Thus, cutting back on humans is no different than cutting down trees in the forest.

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Boom: Trilateral Commissioner Jeffrey Epstein’s Global Empire Of Corruption Revealed

Investigative writer Whitney Webb drills down into the dark global network of Jeffrey Epstein to expose how global elitists attempt to run the world. As a member of the Trilateral Commission, Epstein undoubtedly served his own interests but he became the go-to dungeon master of sexual blackmail that kept global leaders and operators in line. No, the infamous "black book" will likely never be released.

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German Meat Industry Warns Of Empty Supermarket Shelves, 40% Jump In Meat Prices

Radical global warming extremists have declared all-out war on meat because bovines produce too much flatulence, which they say is a leading cause of warming. They are pathetically ignorant of the facts, but are nevertheless driving the meat industry out of business. Their preferred diet? insects and an occasional vegetable treat.

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Study: 100% Of mRNA Jab Recipients Have Heart Implications

Shocking new study reveals that some level of heart injury, minor as it may be, is occurring in all jab recipients. The long-term effects are unknown but there will be effects. The more mRNA shots you take, the greater the cumulative risk that an actual health event will take place. There are also effects on other internal organs as well as the immune system.

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Global Stink: UN COP27 Attendees In Egypt Greeted With Sewage

COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt drew over 30,000 global meddlers by jet to plan how to railroad the world into Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. Appropriately, a sewage spill let them meditate on the global stink they are causing to the rest of the world. Private jets are given a free pass because their self-praised work is so essential to "saving" humanity.

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UN Seeks Control Over Agriculture, Blames For Global Warming

World famine is all but guaranteed as the UN blames farming and ranching for over one-third of so-called greenhouse gas emissions, and then seeks to impose policies to limit those emissions. Restricting farming and ranching reduces life-sustaining food needed to keep humans from going extinct. The UN is trying to refocus an existing $18 trillion investment into solving the food problem.

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COVID Dictators Nervous Over Retaliation, Plead For Amnesty

The establishment journal, The Atlantic, outrageously pleads for amnesty over what many have labeled "Crimes Against Humanity". The COVID hoaxers are obviously running scared and fearing retaliation; this means they know they are guilty as sin and are trying to escape punishment. There will be no amnesty but there will be trials and full accountability.

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Perfect Storm Of Global Reset: It’s Raining Cats And Technocrats

The currently dominant class of Technocrats and Transhumanists must be so thoroughly rejected that they never get the upper hand in public policy again. They are pitted against government structures and the people they represent. This is a global issue, not just American. As such, they have declared war on humanity.

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Flu Season Sees Calls For Return To Face Mask Mania

They are at it again. Medical Technocrats will not let face masks go until the public thoroughly and openly rejects and rebukes them for bringing destruction to our nation. Face masks have been proven beyond a shadow of doubt to be worthless against the spread of a virus. Bottom line: Don't comply, don't consent, be vocal.

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