Search Results for great reset

Vera Sharav: “Unless All Of Us Resist, ‘Never Again’ Is Now!”

Dr. Meryl Nass, MD, posted the full speech given by Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav. This is an epic warning to the world that if not heeded, will spell the end of the world as we have known it. The time to take action is not tomorrow, next month or when you get around to it. The time is NOW!

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WEF: Become Cyborgs, Chip Your Children, Implant Brain Chips

Even five years ago, such a headline would have been blasted as a "conspiracy theory", but now Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum are saying it right in your face. When they talk about "The Future We Want", they mean the future THEY want, i.e., only Transhumans need to apply.

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United Nations Penalizes Criticisms Against Technocrat Takeover

"There’s clear coordination, globally, of censorship. With few exceptions, countries have taken action to criminalize free speech, and they have done so in lockstep with each other. It began in earnest with censorship of theories about the origins of SARS-CoV-2, and grew from there to include anything COVID related."

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AI: A Secular Look At The Digital Antichrist

[su_note note_color="#daf2fd" radius="2"]Highjacking evolution in order to become the "intelligent designers" of life on earth reflects the urge of transhumans to become like God. It also reflects their utter contempt for God as the original intelligence behind all earthly design. Regardless of how it is positioned, the transhuman goal is anti-God and anti-human.

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Stupid Personified: Collect And Bury CO2 With 1,300 Mile Pipeline

This is a story of citizen resistance to the insanity of burying carbon dioxide, disrupting large swaths of farming operations and seriously harming local growth of plants that require CO2 for photosynthesis. These policies are anti-human and anti-civilization because CO2 is as important as is the oxygen we breath. The pressure for human depopulation rests on this same premise: humans exhale CO2.

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The Culling Of Humanity Is Set To Accelerate; Doctors And Politicians Remain Silent

Ignorant fact checkers, essentially professional trolls, deny that there is any plan for depopulation of civilization, but the facts and words state otherwise. We are experiencing a mass genocide event right before our eyes, prosecuted by unelected and unaccountable Technocrats scattered around the world.

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Hohmann: Saudi Arabia Slouching Toward Technocracy

The entire world is racing toward Technocracy, including the major religions. The Catholic church is already steeped in green ideology and sustainable development from the Pope down. China is already a Technocracy. It is not surprising that the Islamic world is following hard behind with plans to build the first fully-automated and controlled super-city in the middle of the desert. It is yet unclear if anyone will want to actually live there.

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Mercola: Monkeypox Declared A Public Health Emergency

The details of skulduggery with Big Pharma, the corrupt World Health Organization and various secret research labs will be debated for a long time. The real concern should be that creating synthetic viruses in a lab is tantamount to creating the atomic bomb. When a deadly virus can be modeled on a computer screen and then turned into the actual pathogen, all that remains to ask is how soon will the military get ahold of it and how soon will they use it?

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NYU School Of Law: Digital ID Is ‘Paving A Digital Road To Hell’

Technocracy demands identification of every citizen; always has, always will. Technocracy Study Course (1934) requirements 4, 5, 6 are, “Provide a continuous inventory of all production and consumption.”, “Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where produced and where used.”, “Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual.”

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Vatican Goes Full Technocracy With ‘Council For Inclusive Capitalism’

Warning: Technocracy is NOT Capitalism and is, in fact, its polar opposite. The two are mutually exclusive. So, why has the Pope introduced a new name for Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy? Because it is the ultimate deception to lure people into accepting a "remake" of capitalism while the intent is to murder it. This is comparable to the mythological Sirens of Greece calling out to passing ships and luring them to their doom.

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