Search Results for agenda 21

Transhumanism: Military Intelligence Operations Cloaked In The False Premise Of Transcendence (Part 1)

Today, I am amping up scholarship at Technocracy News & Trends with the introduction of this paper, jointly written by world-class academics from three continents. There will be more in the near future. There are over 9,000 words to absorb here, and you would do yourself a favor by reading every single word and analyzing every single thought. The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumans are in the latter stages of the transmogrification of humanity. Ignorance is not bliss, so start reading.

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‘You Will Not Surely Die’: Transhuman Scientists Buy Into Devil’s First Lie

'Moonshot" and 'Longevity escape velocity" (LEV) theories draw billions in taxpayer and private investments, but they are proving to be a "fool's errand." LEV is just the latest theory and a testament to the folly, but it is enough to stimulate new interest and excitement. As other scientists play God with the genetic makeup of mankind, millions are dying and harmed by mRNA injections. Both ends of the science will end with broken promises and death.

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WHO’s Pandemic Treaty: Technocrats Planning On Total Control Of Everything

The WHO Pandemic Treaty has turned out to be a Trojan Horse inside another Trojan Horse. As you pull all the layers apart, you see the hand of global elitists vying for total control over everything on earth, from biologics to inorganic material to all the systems between them. The U.S. should drop-kick the UN and the WHO into the Atlantic Ocean and tell them never to come back, but it's not that easy: Far in advance of this Treaty, the Feds have already implemented One Health as an all-of-government initiative.

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Russian Journalist Calls Out The EU As A Technocracy

Indeed, Russia itself danced with Technocrats through the 1920s and 1930s to build the Soviet Utopia. During the ensuing years, virtually all of the technology was exported by the West, propped up that evil regime. Now, this Russian journalist is flat-out calling the EU a Technocracy, and for the right reasons.

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Technocracy: “The Science Of Social Engineering” And The End Of Debt

As more people are dancing around the topic of Technocracy, more pieces of the puzzle fall into place. Personally, I take original Technocracy at its word: First, it is the "science of social engineering," and second, "there will be no place for politics, politicians, finance or financiers." Political systems will vanish in favor of Technocratic control. If there is no private property, finance and financiers will also disappear. This is the meaning of Klaus Schwab's "you will own nothing" and rent everything.

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Bill Gates & UN Behind “Digital Public Infrastructure” For Global Control

Bill Gates is an evil genius who clawed his way to the top by applying predatory business practices at Microsoft; a leopard doesn't change spots and now Gates wants to dominate the whole world by masterminding a global ID system. A master Technocrat, Gates follows the philosophy of early Technocracy.

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The Fury Of Europe’s Farmers Shocks EU Technocrats

The continent-wide fury of EU farmers is blazing a trail straight to the heart of Technocracy, namely, the green agenda, net zero, and the war on energy and food. The late Rosa Koire warned Europe between 2010-2015 about “the blueprint, the comprehensive plan of action for the 21st century to inventory and control all land, all water, all plants, all minerals, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all law enforcement, all health care, all food, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.”

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Technocracy Is Constructing AI-Powered Control Grid To End Freedom

The late Rosa Koire saw it as “the blueprint, the comprehensive plan of action for the 21st century to inventory and control all land, all water, all plants, all minerals, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all law enforcement, all health care, all food, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.”

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Automakers Are Feeding Your Trip Data To Insurance Companies

If data exists anywhere, Technocrats will lay claim to it. It is their right, not yours. It is their lifeblood, their existence, their reason for being; without data, they are lifeless, empty, barren. Stealing your data is no ethical or moral concern to them because they need it to figure out how to better control you for the "greater good." 

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Only In China: Like A Giant Ant Farm Housing 30,000 Humans

The ultimate Smart City. Sustainable living. Agenda  21-style "stack 'em and pack 'em." An experiment in peak efficiency. The "Science of Social Engineering" run amok. Technocrats in China lost their shirt with this huge luxury hotel, so they carved it into tiny apartments to maximize revenue and house as many as 30,000 residents. Some will be born there and never leave.

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