Search Results for china

Travel Bans In China For Citizens With Bad ‘Social Credit’ Rating

Dictator-for-life Xi Jinping resides over the world's largest Technocracy that is praised and emulated by the global elite who champion Technocracy. Americans should have the greatest alarm that this policy of “once untrustworthy, always restricted” is exactly the same mentality that is being implemented in our own country. Read this short article very carefully!

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Warning: China Is Close To Complete Domination Over 5G And Internet Of Things

China's Technocrats are playing chess with a far-reaching strategy to dominate the system of Globalization, while America plays checkers, worrying about the next 'hop'. If the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) does not block the Qualcomm takeover, China will move into the vacuum and dominate the industry.

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China Providing ‘Strings Attached’ Academic Financing To Force Censorship In America

The Chinese are very clever to weaponize capital in order to achieve devious ends. In this case, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) funds selected academic institutions or projects in order to coerce them into self-censorship according to Chinese policies. Congress should block such funding.

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In China, ‘Social Credit’ System Forces Citizens Into Submission To The State

When your personal data turns bad, whether real or imagined, China will basically ex-communicate you from the good life, and they have already done this to tens of millions of detractors. This is as effective as Tiananmen Square slaughter, but was implemented slowly so people never had a clue what was happening to them. Now, they are trapped, shunned, penalized and in some cases, destitute.

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Kuora: Why Do Technocrats Dominate China’s Political Elite?

This written from within China, and states what I have been claiming for several years now. Zbigniew Brzezinski brought China into the economic mainstream in 1978 and wrote that communism was a natural stepping-stone to achieve what he termed the "Technetronic Era", which was basically Technocracy. China is, in fact, a Technocracy and if the world wants to contain China's ambitions, they had better wake up to this fact.

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The Mind Of Technocracy: China Pushes Race-Based ‘Narcissistic Nationalism’

China's totalitarian/cultural history and Technocracy fit hand-in-glove. The current leader, Xi Jinping, has declared himself emperor-for-life and is modeling himself after the butcher of the 20th century, Mao Zedong. China will replicate itself whenever and wherever it can. This China expert, Steven Mosher, says that “There is only one country in the world, I argue, and this is China, that is a disease of the heart” and  “China intends to snuff out America as the leading power in the world.”

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China Asserts Internet Censorship Efforts Across The Globe

As a Technocracy pursuing a totally engineered world, China has massively censored its internal Internet. Now it is looking beyond its borders to censor the rest of the world. This is draconian and dangerous, but few in the West have correctly pegged China's intentions or strategies.

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Buchanan On China: The Fatal Delusions Of Western Man

This is no doubt an important article, but it dances around key issues without mentioning that they are all deeply rooted in the policies and actions of members of the Trilateral Commission in the 1970s. Our leaders did not call for the ascendance of China, but Trilaterals like Henry Kissinger, Jimmy Carter, Cyrus Vance and Zbigniew Brzezinski did. It was not just any old multinational corporations who rebuilt China in the form of a Technocracy, but rather it was Trilateral-connected corporations. Antony Sutton and I wrote extensively on this in our books, Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II, and I have more recently penned articles like How The Trilateral Commission Converted China Into A Technocracy. It is simply not correct to blame Western Man for these problems, except for his failure to reign in ultra-powerful groups like the Trilateral Commission.

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