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The Control Network: Laundering Money With Total Immunity

Over the years, I have written several papers on global banking, central banks and in particular, about the Bank for International Settlements. Corey Lynn, sponsored by the Solari Report (Catherine Austin Fitts) digs deep into the central bank/monetary world to reveal the largest money laundering machine of all time. To call this monster a giant vampire squid is an understatement. 

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Judicial Watch: Shocking Emails Show That CDC Pressured FDA To Authorize COVID Boosters Without Clinical Trials

When it comes to protecting the health of American citizens, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the FDA are broken beyond repair. They have destroyed all trust and should be totally reconstituted and re-chartered to do what they are supposed to do, free of corruption, greed and control by Big Pharma and the biotech industry.

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Not-So-Great Reset: Live In A Box, Don’t Move, Be Surveilled, Shut Up, Eat Bugs

Others are quickly picking up on the World Economic Forum's Technocratic domination of the world. Instead of "eliminate poverty", it's poverty for all. Instead of "jobs with dignity for all", it's sit at home and get paid Universal Basic Income. Instead of "pursuit of happiness", it's "You will own nothing and be happy".

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CRISPR Gone Wild: Fake Meat To Designer Babies

The notion of cut-and-paste techniques for genomic editing is euphoric to the Transhuman/Technocrat world. "Why, we can edit anything, so why not do it?" The very question holds the answer, that is, there are no moral or ethical boundaries to constrain them. They have openly stated that the goal is to take over evolution and re-create the world in their own image.

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The Big Lie: Pfizer Scandal Blown Wide Open, Never Even Tested mRNA Shots For Transmission Of Virus

The destruction of the world was based on the biggest 100% falsehood in the history of medicine: Pfizer NEVER tested mRNA shot for blocking transmission of COVID-19 before it got EUA from the FDA. Billions were forced to take mRNA shots based on this lie. Millions are permanently vaxx injured or worse, dead. Contact tracing, vaccine passports, the Great Reset: all unnecessary and based on a lie.

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Big Pharma Is Putting All Of Humanity At Risk Of Demographic Collapse

Stillbirths, vaginal hemorrhaging, miscarriages, preeclampsia, premature births, inability to conceive, reduced sperm count in men, etc., are reaching an existential tipping point and yet, Big Pharma, government and media continue to promote mRNA injections for pregnant women. With the refusal to stop this program, it is revealing itself as a major bioweapon attack on humanity.

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Poor In UK? Major Supermarket To Pitch Bugs For Survival Diet

As more of the world is impoverished on the way to 2030 - where you will "own nothing and be happy" - Technocrats have already planned your survival menu: bugs! The world could easily be awash with meat, vegetables and grain, but why waste good food on down-and-outer poor people, right? The megalomaniacal, psychopathic elite cadre of Technocrats need to be thrown out of all public policy.

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WEF Strategy: Young Global Leaders, Global Shapers, New Champions

The World Economic Forum is creating a tsunami of activists and operatives who are brainwashed with the dogma of  Transhumanism and Technocracy, and preaching the gospel of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. They march to the lyrics of Schwab's book, The Great Narrative. This is the largest and most widespread delusion in history.

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Moderna, Pfizer Seek EUA Booster Authorization For Children

Moderna and Pfizer are again seeking Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA on "vaccines" for young children who are not at risk for COVID in the first place. Trial data are already deemed worthless, meaning that the children are being used as guinea pigs. Thus extends the crimes against humanity.

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