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Hohmann: In A Technocracy, You Will Have No Rights, Only Privileges

Imagine your life being like an iPhone or Android App: You buy the smart phone, grab a supposedly free app and then you notice the fine print: "In-App Purchases" required. If you don't pay the fee, the app doesn't work right. If  you don't pay the monthly phone service for the phone, it will stop working, leaving you with an expensive paperweight.

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“Polycrisis Of Doom”: Technocracy’s Mother Of All Wars To Conquer the World

This writer first stated in 2015 that Technocracy had declared war on humanity. Today's "polycrisis" is the expansion of the scorched-earth policy to reduce society to rubble, making possible the World Economic Forum's policy to "Build Back Better." The Energy crisis is fabricated. The Food crisis is fabricated. The Financial crisis is fabricated. Nation-states are crumbling. Is anyone listening?

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Corporate Technocrats Use ESG To Drive Technocracy

ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) is a United Nations inspired global scam to drive the world into Sustainable Development (aka Technocracy), control all resources and kill capitalism and free market economics all at the same time. ESG is backed by the UN, the World Economic Forum and major investment banks.

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Dutch Farmers May Be Forced To Kill Off 30% Of Livestock To Save Planet

The global food shortage is driven by insane eco-activists who think that saving the planet is more important than saving human lives. The livestock industry has been under attack since the UN's Agenda 21 was created in 1992. This entire program is anti-human and anti-civilization.

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Metaverse: Virtual Children To Help Combat Overpopulation

For all the brainwashed young marrieds who willingly choose to forego having children, it's Metaverse to the rescue as they can now have virtual children to feed, change diapers. nurture, teach, play, etc. Get tired of your virtual child? Just click a button and delete it. The bifurcation of reality is beyond just dangerous, it is existential to civilization and the human race.

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Dr. Russell Blaylock: Truth Or Consequences In The Days Of Covidmania

Dr. Russell Blaylock, a friend of Technocracy News & Trends, has called the Pandemic absolutely correct since the beginning; yet, he was ridiculed, vilified, called names, etc., because he told the truth. His first stand was against the dangerous proposition of wearing face masks; then came mRNA experimental injections. Megalomanic Technocrats have tried to silence him but have failed.

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Wood, Mercola: It’s Crucial To Understand What We’re Up Against

My interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola is the most comprehensive coverage of the problems we face with Technocracy, Transhumanism and scientism. If you want to get up to speed in a few short hours, listen to both videos, read the article and download the transcript of the interview with Mercola.

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The Last Stage Of Tyrannical Technocrat Takeover

Dr. Naomi Wolf's new book, The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and the War Against the Human”nails the war against humans and humanity. Today, America needs to take courage and exhibit bravery to stand up to the Technocrat tyrants who are trying to take over the world.

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Hohmann: How Technocrats Use Cities To Create Digital Slaves

Prisoners of war are slaves when put into concentration camps. Modern cities are headed in that direction as ubiquitous surveillance and monitoring technology is merged into the human condition via implants, wearables and ingested sensors. Add to that the totally immersive Metaverse and you have a perfect recipe for outright slavery. 

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Mercola: Technocracy And Transhumanism Now In Phase II Of Total Takeover

You cannot fight an enemy that you do not know. However, many experts like Dr. Joseph Mercola, are now boldly recognizing Technocracy as the clear and present danger to the entire world, with Transhumanism attached at the hip like a Siamese twin. Together, they seek control over every resource on earth, including all humans.

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