Search Results for agenda 21

The Full-Spectrum, Asymmetric War On Free Speech – Now You Know

This will be the most important interview to view in your lifetime, unless you don't understand Technocracy. I have talked about much of what Mike Benz reveals, except he does it with authority and end-to-end clarity. Now you know why I declared war on Technocracy in 2015. Please listen to the whole thing.

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Klaus Schwab On AI: “We Don’t Even Need Democratic Elections”

Klaus Schwab is not a Communist or a Fascist; he is both a Technocrat and a Transhumanist. No other labels apply. He wants to drive the entire world into Scientific Dictatorship. His imagination runs wild with visions of technological possibilities, where if he thinks it, it will somehow materialize. In short, Schwab is detached from reality and, like the Sirens of Crete, is beguiling all who will listen. 

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The WEF/WHO Says “Here Comes Disease X”

Mercola writes, "It’s quite clear that 'biosecurity' is the chosen means by which the globalist cabal intends to seize power over the world. I concur. Disease X is being spun as an unknown disease, but the WEF/WHO is sure it will be 22x worse than COVID-19. They do not know what they do not know, but they can say with certainty it will kill you faster. Or, they do know what they do know and are keeping from you. 

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Genetic Scientists Are Creating Health Doomsday For Humanity

Tampering with human mRNA and DNA is the height of arrogance by scientists who have no understanding of what they are doing, but now all humans are their guinea pigs. Studies show the COVID "vaccines" are causing prion disease, aka Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), subacute spongiform encephalopathy, or "Mad Cow Disease".

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AI Oligarchs Plans: Team With China, ‘Break’ Capitalism

Thinking people should ditch the left-right rhetoric and look beyond their noses to see the Technocrats who are playing all sides against the middle. Technocrats have used Republican administrations just as adroitly as Democratic ones. The singular common goal is to "break capitalism" with the help of the only pure Technocracy, China. Capitalism is anathema to Technocrats because of its price-based economic system, in favor of a resource-based system that they can totally control. Today, Technocrats are swarming all over the Biden Administration.

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Executive Order On The Safe, Secure, And Trustworthy Development And Use Of Artificial Intelligence

On Biden's official site called AI.Gov, the headline on the home page says it all: "Making AI Work For The American People." The tech oligarchs are in a massive private-public-partnership with the government. Thus, this will strengthen their ability to target AI against citizens. The only outcome will be more Technocracy and pushing labor out on the street. Below is the entire text of Biden's Executive Order.

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Nordangard: UN, WEF And The Coming Technocracy

A prominent scholar in Sweden, Jacob Nordangård, PhD, blows the lid off the United Nations and the WEF's plans to drive the world straight into a Technocracy. The reason their plans have never slowed down since inception is that they haven't been identified, and you can't fight an enemy that cannot be seen or an ideology that is not understood. The stubborn ignorance of people who refuse to accept this reality will be crushed by it. The clear and present danger is not Communism, Socialism, or Fascism; it is Technocracy!

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Trilateral Commission’s Henry Kissinger: Migration And The Multi-Cultural Destruction Of The Western World

The multicultural integration of Europe and the United States was a policy that was exclusively created by the Trilateral Commission. Henry Kissinger worked hand-in-hand with fellow Trilateral Peter Sutherland. Now Kissinger says that was all a mistake? Right.

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Sam Altman Is Creating Himself In The Image Of Robert Oppenheimer Or Bill Gates?

Some claim OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is the 21st-century version of Robert Oppenheimer, the director of the laboratory at Los Alamos, New Mexico, where the atomic bomb was designed. Oppenheimer was an administrator; Altman is an administrator, venture capitalist, and opportunist. Altman is a pedestrian programmer who clawed his way to the top of a budding empire, just like Bill Gates who created Microsoft in 1975.

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Nordangård: Transitioning to a New Global Order

At the genesis of modern globalization In 1973, the Trilateral Commission posited that "interdependence" of nations was inevitable, and then pushed it everywhere. Now, the same cabal says that nation states are unable to cope with the interconnected global problems on their own; hence, nobody except the United Nations can head global governance. 

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