Search Results for AGENDA 2030

Businesses Face $700,000 Fine For Not Forcing Shots On Employees

The Biden Administration is destroying the supply chain via port traffic, border controls by removing the wall, health by mandating vaccines, consumers with hyper-inflation and is now destroying companies and the labor market. Never have so few done so much to implement a scorched-earth program of economic destruction.

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London Slips Into Technocracy, Becomes Blueprint For The World

The tiny City of London, just one square mile in size, is where all the banks and financial institutions are located. This is the yeast that leavens the whole lump of dough, as Greater London and all of England have slipped into Technocrat tyranny. National leadership reflected this with the elections of Theresa May and then Boris Johnson, both having succumbed to the forces of Techno-Populism.

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How The Great Reset Is Accelerating Into Global Tyranny

Since 1978, I have stated that the global elite's goal is to grab all of the resources of the world, leaving no private ownership for anyone else. When I discovered historic Technocracy, it was clear that it was the means used to do so. Today, it is in-your-face obvious. If they are successful, it will represent the greatest heist in the history of the world.

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The Evil Twins Of Transhumanism And Technocracy

The dots between Technocracy and Transhumanism are easily connected once its understood that both sit atop the pseudo-science religion of Scientism, which posits that science is god and scientists and engineers are its priesthood. This article provides the current framework to understand this nexus.

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Memorial Day 2025: Back To The Future

In 2025, just 4 short years from now, America will stumble across yet another Memorial Day weekend and reflect on wars fought, soldiers and civilians killed and the nature of freedoms that were preserved or lost. They will all rue the day that Technocracy, aka Scientific Dictatorship, took over the world.

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Vaccine Passports Have Arrived in New York

When two corrupt giants like IBM and New York partner to create ubiquitous data collection systems, the outcome is fairly predictable: they will succeed unless there is massive public protest and refusal to use the means to their ends.

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