Search Results for AGENDA 2030

The Insidious Technocrat War On Food And Human Diet

Technocrat Bill Gates wants to control your body with gene therapy and to control what you eat with synthetic food products. What started in the early 1970s as a radical, crackpot idea is now going mainstream throughout the Western world. Controlling food is controlling people.

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COVID Commission Planning Group Plans 9/11-Style Investigation Into Pandemic

The coverup is well underway with a star-studded roster of global Technocrats setting up to create the ultimate "official" investigation about what happened over the last year. They even brought in Philip Zelikow, the former executive director of the 9/11 Commission. The foxes are building their own hen-house.

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Did China Start U.S. Social Engineering On Pandemic In 2016?

China may have started a social engineering project in the U.S. as early as 2016 to soften the public will to wear face masks in the face of pandemic, and to accept vaccines as the only solution to return to "normal." This tightens the case that China has deeper involvement in the Pandemic that it is letting on.

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Biden’s Race To The Bottom With The Great Reset

This article does not acknowledge Technocracy but it does identify Global Totalitarianism that is being eagerly embraced by the Biden Administration. A top-to-bottom rework of American society will allow Technocracy to grow deep roots into the foundations of our nation.

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IMF Calls For Internet Search History To Be Linked To Your Credit Score

Is the International Monetary Fund (IMF) trying to force China's draconian Social Credit Scoring system on the entire planet? Who will decide what Internet "histories" are bad and which are acceptable? Google, which controls 95% of search engine traffic, is undoubtedly at the center of this.

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Mercola, Delingpole & Wood: Technocracy And The Great Reset

This in-depth article by Dr. Joseph Mercola highlights the recent  interview of Patrick Wood by well-known British journalist/author James Delingpole. The World Economic Forum's Great Reset by any other name is still Technocracy. 

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