Search Results for food

Insects As Flying Syringes For Genetic Modification, Eugenics And Population Control

My presentation for the Crimes Against Humanity Task Force documents and explains the history behind "the takeover of all genetic material on earth". The manipulation of life on earth is an old dream but technology has now provided the means to accomplish it, and Technocrat/Transhuman scientists are working day and night to change the world's DNA. My forthcoming book, The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, will connect all the dots to this mad program.

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DNA Can Be Engineered To Kill Individuals, Families Or Entire Ethnicities

DNA has been quietly and yet aggressively collected by the major super powers, but much of that is already in private hands to sell to the highest bidder. Genetic engineering is firmly entrenched in militaries and could be used as the ultimate stealth weapons to conquer entire continents. Wipe out classes of food? Kill all caucasians, blacks or orientals? Left-handed, green-eyed short men of European descent? No problem.

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Alex Newman: How UN’s 2030 Agenda Is Driving Farming Restrictions

The war on food is part of the larger war to conquer the world. It is now patently obvious that it is an intentional attack. UN Technocrats use fear to drive the world to Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. TN identified the intensification of Technocracy's war in 2015 and has been documenting it ever since.

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UN 2030 Agenda’s Lust For Control Is Behind Global Energy Shortages

This article exemplifies the outcome of the UN's war on energy, and Europe is going to experience the full effect of it with a cold winter, high energy prices and restricted food intake. There is NO shortage of energy anywhere on earth. All shortages are driven by the disingenuous policies of 2030 Agenda and sustainable development, aka Technocracy. Technocracy's war on humanity is intensifying but is still not recognized by the vast majority of citizens who are affected by it.

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Dutch Farmers Rebel: UN’s 2030 Agenda Is Behind Draconian AG Shutdown

The war on food in the Netherlands is spawned by the UN's 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. Controlling food, controls populations. Taking away fertilizer controls food. Dutch farmers recognize this and are fighting back; we need to support this important part of the resistance in every way possible. Famines kill.

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“Polycrisis Of Doom”: Technocracy’s Mother Of All Wars To Conquer the World

This writer first stated in 2015 that Technocracy had declared war on humanity. Today's "polycrisis" is the expansion of the scorched-earth policy to reduce society to rubble, making possible the World Economic Forum's policy to "Build Back Better." The Energy crisis is fabricated. The Food crisis is fabricated. The Financial crisis is fabricated. Nation-states are crumbling. Is anyone listening?

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Technocracy: A Digital Slave System Where No Dissent Is Allowed

This article is the succinct view from a European scholar on where the world is headed, namely, straight into outright Technocracy. The evil and twisted religion of Scientism can be easily identified where "scientific expert councils erode democracy." Indeed, Technocracy intends to completely remove the entire political layer of society in order to control people directly, without discussion or recourse.

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Poison The Earth: Monsanto’s Glyphosate Found In 80% Of US Urine Samples

Roundup exists because Monsanto pursued genetic modification of crop seeds able to survive the chemical while killing weeds. The world food supply, as well as farm land, has been saturated with glyphosate to the extent that traces of it are being found everywhere, including human tissue and urine. Technocrat scientists have no moral or ethical boundaries to prevent these kinds of outcomes.

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Bio-Security State: Big Pharma’s Complete Takeover OF FDA

It is inconceivable on any level that thorough testing would not be required for life-altering drugs such as experimental mRNA injections, but Big Pharma's influence over the FDA has accomplished just that, giving eugenicists full and autonomous control over human health and genome. Thus, humans are the last frontier to be conquered in the quest for total resource management, aka Technocracy.

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SEC Uses ESG Requirements To Target Small Farms

When President Biden said he would use "all of government" to enforce his suicidal green agenda, no one would have suspected that the Securities and Exchange Commission could get a hook into small farm agriculture, and yet they have. Ultimately, small farmers who do not roll over and comply will be driven out of business from over-regulation and denial of capital.

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