Search Results for china

Klaus Schwab Declares China To Be A ‘Role Model’

Klaus, a primo Technocrat, loves China, a whole nation of primo Technocrats. Of course they love each other. "Birds of a feather, flock together." Most of Silicon Valley loves China. Most global industrialists love China. When you have the power to mold the clay any which way you want, the world is your potter's studio.

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Techno-Authoritarianism: China And Deep State Have Joined Forces

Technocracy by any other name is still Technocracy. China is the world's first purely "engineered" society. It is neither Capitalism or Communism, but rather Technocracy. It leads straight to scientific dictatorship while the algorithm micromanages every aspect of life. The only way out of Technocracy is to not go there in the first place.

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In China, It’s “You Spy, I Spy, We All Spy For Xi Spy”

Xi Jinping is a Technocrat who has mastered Technocracy's prime goal of the "science of social engineering". China now has 370 networked cameras per 1,000 citizens, meaning that no one can escape daily surveillance and immediate retribution if you make an "unapproved" move. This is the reality of scientific dictatorship and it is spreading to the whole world.

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China Runs Police Outpost In New York City

The long arm of China's police reaches into other countries where Chinese citizens reside, encouraging them to return to the homeland to face criminal prosecution. The first in the U.S. was New York City. This is reminiscent of China's Confucius Centers at universities nationwide that spied on academia.

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China’s Endless COVID Hysteria Is A Dark Social Engineering Experiment

China is a Technocracy bent on practicing its "science of social engineering". It led the charge to subjugate the entire planet with COVID hysteria based on a bioengineered virus. Data collected from all nations will be analyzed and used in the next wave of attack, whatever that might be. There will be more...

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American Professor Designed Dystopian Surveillance System for China

Technocrats of a feather, flock together. Professor Antony Sutton wrote extensively about the transfer of enabling technology from the West to the East. Nothing has changed. U.S. Technocrats love Chinese Technocrats and vice versa, and there is never ethical or moral compunction about working together.

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Why Would Elon Musk Praise China On Internet Censorship?

Elon musk parrots the original Technocracy doctrine, "we will create an era of extreme abundance of goods and services, where everyone can live a life of abundance." He gravitates to China because China is a Technocracy. Birds of a feather, flock together.

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U.S. Technocrats Give Revolutionary Battery Designs To China’s Technocrats

Professor Antony Sutton was famous for his work on the transfer of technology from the West to the Eastin the 1960s and 1970s. Nothing has changed. Technocrat birds of a feather, stick together. There is no ethical or moral dilemma for Technocrats giving our best inventions to China because it is already a Technocracy.

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America Last: US Emergency Oil Reserves Sent Abroad, Including To China

The Great Reset is being accelerated by destroying flows of energy to the global economy. That US energy reserves could be sent overseas proves, despite our own domestic emergency, the point is made of who is in charge of our domestic policy, namely, global elitist Technocrats who are intent on destroying national entities.

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China Fully Automates Cloning Of Pigs

Because of a lack of ethical or moral boundaries, China leads the world in radical gene editing and cloning technology. To bolster pork production, a fully automated process has been developed to rapidly clone pigs. The human incubators of Huxley's Brave New World don't seem that far off now.

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