Search Results for food

Amazon Looks To Eliminate Cashiers At Whole Foods Stores

Technocrats at Amazon continue to push cashier-less stores, first with Amazon-Go and now with its subsidiary, Whole Foods. Cashiers do not make up the largest portion of grocery employees, but they will eventually be missing from many stores as this trend continues, and the use of cash will diminish, forcing people to pay with smart phone apps.

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The Insidious Technocrat War On Food And Human Diet

Technocrat Bill Gates wants to control your body with gene therapy and to control what you eat with synthetic food products. What started in the early 1970s as a radical, crackpot idea is now going mainstream throughout the Western world. Controlling food is controlling people.

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Technocrat Vision For The Future Of Food

In 2014, China announced it was moving 100 million rural farmers off of their property and into cities, in order to make way for industrialized farming. Bill Gates has similar thoughts on the use of agricultural land, and has already amassed 242,000 acres of prime farmland.

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GMO Technocrat Scientists Are Redesigning The Entire Food Chain

Beef, pork, chicken, fish and now shrimp will be cultivated in a lab along with genetic manipulation. Add to that dairy, corn, soybeans, rice, canola, etc. For Technocrats, nature isn't good enough and needs their help in providing better food for the human race. Side effects are unknown, testing is scant and data is protected like the gold in Fort Knox.

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