Search Results for transhumanism

Transhumanism, Eugenics And Faking The Singularity

In the Transhumanist mind, the only way for Transhumanism to succeed is to take over the entire health care delivery system in order to practice their twisted practice of modern eugenics. For anyone who thought that Nazi Germany was an isolated and localized incidence of eugenics, it is now global, pervasive and insidious. America and the world must forcefully reject this entire ideology and its practitioners.

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‘Longtermism’ and ‘Effective Altruism’ Are The New Faces Of Transhumanism

"The lunatics really are running the asylum, and should you dare to call out their madness, they’ll have you put in a straitjacket and injected with tranquilizers. It’s long past time to steal the keys and escape this nuthouse. And if there’s any spirit left in us, we’ll leave the asylum burning behind us."

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The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism

Technocracy and Transhumanism have become allies in the quest to conquer humanity, nature and the world system. Underlying this is the evil philosophy of Scientism, which is the worship of science. This mechanistic thinking treats humans on the same level as animals, insects or even trees in the forrest. Thus, these new “intelligent designers” have no problem in applying their science to change you and the world around you.

Hohmann: Is Transhumanism The New One-World Religion?

Transhumanism, like Technocracy, sits on top of Scientism, or the worship of science. In parallel manner, both Catholicism and Protestantism are based on Christianity. There are significant differences, but the common root is easily recognized. Biden has now institutionalized Transhumanism in America, creating a state religion to whom all others will now answer.

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Flashback: Transhumanism Is The New Religion For Postmodern Times

Biden's National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiative pivots the entire government to support, advance, and embed Transhumanism in America. If Transhumanism is a religion, then Biden has just instituted a state religion, which is in direct violation of the First Amendment. Read this article word for word.

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Biden Uses Executive Order To Institutionalize Eugenics, Transhumanism

Biden's National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiative is a complete capitulation of our government to Big Pharma, the biotechnology industry and the entire transhuman cabal that wants to create Humanity 2.0 by changing our genetic structure. Unfortunately, this is nothing more than a continuation and expansion of the eugenics movement from the 1930s.

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How The World Economic Forum Promotes Transhumanism

The World Economic Forum promotes the Great Reset in two parts: Technocracy that transforms society, economics and politics and Transhumanism that creates H+ or Humanity 2.0. This is the heartbeat of Klaus Schwab's Fourth Industrial Revolution: immortal gods living in perpetual Utopia.

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Transhumanism: The Dominant Ideology Of The Fourth Industrial Revolution

This excellent paper from a French Professor of political science concluded that "transhumanism is already a dominant ideology, as it crushes all other ideological positions regarding technological change." Technocracy and Transhumanism are like Siamese twins joined at the ideological hip.

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The Link Between Transhumanism And The Metaverse

Reality is already 3D and immersive, so why do we need a cheap imitation called the Metaverse? The answer lies in Transhumanism and its quest to escape mortal bounds to enter into immortality, omniscience and transcendence, all of which are possible in the Metaverse but not in real life. Parents: Keep your children away from the Metaverse.

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