Search Results for agenda 21

Is Google’s AI Manipulating Your Brain?

Google is a core powerbase of this global cabal, often referred to as the Deep State — a hidden power structure based on wealth and financial influence behind (and above) the individual governments of the world — because the cabal’s control powers hinge on electronic surveillance and social engineering." [Mercola] 

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Unvaccinated Or Partially Vaccinated? The Feds Are Specifically Tracking You, Too!

If you thought that only the "vaccinated" are being tracked for things like a "vaccine passport", you are sadly mistaken. Medical Technocrats slipped in medical record codes for those who skipped the mRNA shot or were only partially "vaccinated". All medical personnel are required to ask you (under penalty) for your vaxx status, and will dutifully enter it into your medical record.

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Covid Panic, Climate Panic: Driven By Same People For Same Purpose

TN has claimed from the very start of the Covid panic in 2020 that the same people who drove the "climate crisis" were driving the Covid panic as a new initiative in the war against humanity. The only solution ever offered is the UN's Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. Techniques of the Covid panic, like lockdowns, are now going to be used for climate crisis.

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Warning: WHO Names Transhumanist Dr. Jeremy Farrar As Chief Scientist For Global Health

You are about to understand why I wrote The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, i.e., they are both evil to the bone. The joint coup involves the entire takeover of global health in order to establish a global eugenics program to create Humanity 2.0. It is insane, but it is very real and speeding like a bullet train.

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Flashback: Dr. Deborah Birx Was The Technocrat Destroyer Who Deceived Trump Into Wrecking America Over COVID-19

Deborah Birx is a Technocrat who was orchestrating COVID-19 policies behind the scenes, using treachery and deceit. This is the fallback position of Technocrats whose agenda is or might be blocked in some way. Her blatant disregard for the U.S. Constitution, elected politicians and the Rule of Law set her on a self-appointed mission to deceive the President of the United States and then to deceive the entire medical establishment.

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Transhumanism, Eugenics And Faking The Singularity

In the Transhumanist mind, the only way for Transhumanism to succeed is to take over the entire health care delivery system in order to practice their twisted practice of modern eugenics. For anyone who thought that Nazi Germany was an isolated and localized incidence of eugenics, it is now global, pervasive and insidious. America and the world must forcefully reject this entire ideology and its practitioners.

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UK’s ‘Nudge Unit’ Manipulates People Toward ‘Net Zero Society’

In an earlier report, the "nudge unit" recommended that banks track carbon footprint of financial transactions and social interactions to reward "sustainable behaviors". The nudge theory was created by Technocrat economists Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein in their book, 2008 as a new tool of social engineering.  The theory has been applied to COVID-19, medical care, climate change, etc.

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11,000 Police Surveillance Cars With 360-Degree Cameras and “Perimeter Alerts” To Patrol NYC

Technocrats continue to build the police state with various equipment for surveillance, the latest being police cars with 360-degree cameras and "perimeter alerts" that analyzes people for perceived threats. Exactly how AI is used to "perceive" is not specified. Recording the 360-degree view is continuous thus recording everything in the immediate area, including unsuspecting civilians.

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Brits Are Protesting 15-Minute Cities To Avoid Becoming Prisoners Of The State

A 15-minute city means everything you have to (or can do) exists within 15 minutes from where you live. People are seeing it as a virtual gulag where confinement is monitored with geo-fencing, smart phones and panopticon-style surveillance. Also perceived is the inability (or great difficulty) to escape from your assigned 15-minute neighborhood. Globalists and Technocrats are thrilled at the prospect.

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