Search Results for AGENDA 2030

Dr. Tim Ball: Why Canada Must Get Out Of The Paris Climate Agreement

The world can thank the late Canadian, Maurice Strong, for leading the first Earth Summit that produced Agenda 21, Sustainable Development and alarmist calls on global warming and population reduction. Another Canadian, Dr. Timothy Ball, is leading the CLEXIT movement to get Canada out of the Paris Climate Agreement.

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Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order

Technocracy is like a cancer invading America with relentless pursuit. Things like Smart Cities, mass surveillance, regionalization, public-private partnerships and Fintech are disrupting every community in all 50 states. For us, it’s a hard road and this book will tell you why and what you can still do about it.

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Why Technocrat Social Engineers Blame People Instead Of Their Own Incompetence

Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda, Smart Growth, Sustainable Development, etc., all tell people what to do, what to consume and how to live. Are Technocrats gods that they know better how everyone should behave? Any why is it always our fault when their Utopian dreamscapes don't work out?  This is good food for thought.

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United Nations Is Quietly Pushing International Gun Control

The United Nations knows better than to rile Americans over gun control, but that has not stopped them from quietly discussing how to do an end-run around the U.S. Constitution with crippling rules and regulations. Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, has no room for resistance of self-defense.

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Brookings Institution: Sustainable Development Calls For New Type Of National Leadership

The elitist Brookings Institution promotes Public-Private Partnership, aka 'Blended Finance', as the way to achieve Sustainable Development. Of course, this is 100% United Nations policy as well, and leads to Technocrat leadership using pseudo-science to change the behavior of citizens.

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UN Claim: Energy Is A Basic Human Right

Freedom is a basic human right, while energy is not. Energy is a commercially-produced product that is available for a fee, in order to extend your personal horsepower beyond your own efforts. Everyone should be free to purchase energy if they have the need to do so, but nobody has the right to demand free energy just because they are human.

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Sheikh Zayed: Islam’s Deep Roots In Sustainable Development

Sheikh Zayed, father of the UAE, was an early adopter of environmental practices, indicating the compatibility between sustainable development and the Koran. This affinity may be one reason why Adolf Hitler (a radical 'green') had a such a robust relationship with the Islamic world during WWII. In other words, their mutual hatred of Jews may have a reason, but not the only reason for their mutual attraction.

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United Nations: Global Partnerships Pledge Improved Coordination for Water Security

The five 'multi-stakeholder' water partnerships include a rich assortment of public-private partnerships that will give global corporations direct access to this precious resource of life. The UN predicts a 40% shortfall of water availability by 2030, even though the same amount of water has existed sine the creation of the earth. In order to insure Technocracy, shortages must be created to drive the investment.

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UN’s World Water Forum Closes With Calls To Action On Justice, Human Rights and Youth

Imagine an International Court of Justice for Water, where 'water justice' rulings are made to control and allocate water to sustain life. The United Nations has fully set its sights on controlling all the water of the world. Further, it has tightly integrated water policy into the Sustainable Development Goals.

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