Search Results for agenda 21

Biden Administration Seeks (Again) To Ban Gas Stoves

The "green" agenda is patently insane to try to ban natural gas from cooing and heating. Yet, it keeps coming back like a bad penny. This madness is anti-human and anti-civilizational, and yet people are still not rejecting these Technocrat ideologues who are convinced that their pseudo-science is correct and that we should "follow the science". Don't follow!

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Technocrats-In-Action: Nation-Killing COVID Lockdowns Were Spawned During Trump Admin

Technocrats are apolitical. You cannot cast the COVID pandemic era in terms of political persuasion, left or right.  The fact is, COVID lockdown policy originated during the Trump Administration with Trump's former FDA Director (2017-2019), Dr. Scott Gottlieb, who just happened to also be a director of Pfizer.

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‘Davos Man’ Cometh And He Is A Technocrat

This is a worthwhile read from start to finish. The world needs to send "Davos Man" (Klaus Schwab, et. al) packing before he gets his hands around your neck. The bulk reorganization of 8 billion souls, 195 countries, the $105 trillion global economy and all social structures should not be left to megalomaniacs who are "reimagining" how the world should be structured. They should stick to their "magic mushrooms" and let real people run a real world.

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Flashback: Executive Order On Ensuring Responsible Development Of Digital Assets, Namely, CBDCs

The entire Federal government has been busy fulfilling the demands created by this Executive Order, to give the bum's rush to CBDCs and blockchain-based financial instruments. This is another 'whole-of-government' operation where every agency is marching in lockstep. If the Federal Reserve implements a CBDC directly to consumers, it will obsolete our entire monetary system and strip authority over coinage from Congress.

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World Health Organization Charges Anti-Vaxxers With “Anti-Science Aggression”

The WHO is increasingly revealing itself to be a biomedical terrorist organization that is itself completely unplugged from any semblance of real science. Those unvaccinated people who resist or refute the WHO are now labeled as a "major killing force globally." This is the polar opposite of the truth of the matter.

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Will You? The Brain-Computer Interface Is Already Here

Beware the dangers of transhumanism and the merging of human flesh and technology. Don't expect transhumanism to be aligned with any political ideology, whether left or right. It is apolitical and very closely aligned with Technocracy. BCI is only one aspect; genetic engineering is another.

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Prelude to Day 7: China Is The World’s First Technate

This is an in-depth (7,800 word) and must-read analysis of China's journey from Communism to Technocracy, a much more natural system for China's history and culture. Misreading China's current state of existence is to misread the greatest threat the world has ever seen, yet is the least-spoken of. No, China isn't the threat, our own governments are striving to recreate the China experience, especially in the U.S.

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China Is The Pied Piper Of Global Technocracy

China's zero-Covid lockdowns may be little more than theatrics to further Technocracy in the world. The author concludes, "A system neither communist nor capitalist, but absorbing the worst vices of whilst purging the virtues. Zero Covid is just China working as the other side of the scissors." When human lives mean nothing, sacrificing them for gaining an objective is par for the course.

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Coming Soon: Climate Lockdowns And The “15 Minute City”

Urban reorganization to limit dwellers to a 15 minute radius by bicycle or foot traffic is all about mitigating global warming. It also paves the way for outright "climate lockdown" similar to pandemic lockdowns. In reality, the "15 minute city" is a step toward urban gulag where people will by kept like ants in an ant-farm.

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