Search Results for AGENDA 2030

World Urban Forum Commits To Global, Harmonized Definition of Cities

With a Muslim woman now in charge of UN-Habitat and the New Urban Agenda, Islam has a direct path to potentially influence every city on earth. With many Islamic nations already committed to 'green finance', or Fintech, and Sustainable Development, it is little wonder that they would try to dominate at every turn.

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World Urban Forum in Kuala Lumpur To Debate Sustainability

Dubbed "Cities 2030, Cities for All: Implementing the New Urban Agenda", something is off-kilter at the U.N. The U.N. is increasingly being dominated by Islamic thought and personnel; this key forum is being held in a predominately Islamic nation and region; leading UN Habitat and presiding over the conference is Maimunah Mohd Sharif, a Muslim bureaucrat. Are global cities of the future to be subsumed by the Islamic world?

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Warning: UN Building Geospatial Data Ecosystem To Achieve Sustainable Development Goals

Geospatial technology tracks things that move (ie, people, vehicles, etc.) in the context of why they move and for what purpose. Technocrats seek to track everything in the world, all of the time, for the purpose of command and control over those things. This is the essence of the Science of Social Engineering that Technocracy purports to implement.

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The Two Faces Of Seattle: ‘We’re The Greenest’ vs. ‘No, We’re Still Brown’

Seattle has long-claimed the mantle of leadership for any leftist, eco-friendly, Agenda 21 supporting policies that comes down the pike, and yet its practice falls far from matching its rhetoric, and likely never will. Such policies do nothing but increase prices, stifle property rights and saddle businesses with ridiculous rules and regulations.

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Dubai Vs. Smart City – The Future Of Happiness?

Technocrats claim that convenience makes you happy, and in Dubai, its Smart City technology makes everything convenient. However, Dubai is an Islamic dictatorship, where creating a Smart City bypasses all direct input from citizens who must live under it. Scientific Dictatorship promises the moon, but the realization of it will be a dark moon rising, indeed.

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UN: Fighting Global Warming Is Vital For implementing Sustainable Development

The United Nations is publicly sworn to overthrow capitalism and Free Enterprise by replacement with Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. Global warming is the scare mongering tactic that has only one possible solution in the entire universe: Sustainable Development. No other solution (or problem) is offered.

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Disappearing Family-Owned Farms Make Way For AgTech Dominion

Economic pressure has been on family farms for decades as the UN's Agenda 21/2030 Agenda policies drive young people away from rural communities into cities. Some UN predictions place urban density as high as 70% of total population by 2040. 

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Technocrats See Engineered Crops As Only Path To Solve Global Hunger

Technocracy is the 'science of social engineering' where the only solution to any problem is science itself. Thus, Technocrats will eagerly - and permanently - modify the germline of major food crops in order to feed the world. How will testing be accomplished? Well, there will be no testing. Technocrats see little need for testing when they deem the science to be 'settled'.

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