Search Results for food

A Visual Guide to the Science Behind Cultured Meat

The CEO of Canada-based CULT Food Science says, "We will be the global leader in cell-based foods through investment and tech development." The only perceived problem is consumer acceptance. Nevertheless, this crowd visualizes a complete takeover of food creation for a sustainable humanity.

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Dept. Of Energy Is Spending $2.5 Billion On Carbon Capture

The biggest lie of the millenium is that carbon is bad and it should be removed from the atmosphere. CO2 is essential to life, and especially to plant growth. Without CO2, photosynthesis cannot take place. Technocrats are attempting to curtail food production and reduce population at the same time... using taxpayer funds to finance it.

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First Human Trials Starts For Brain Computer Interface

The first human trials are in view, and it isn't Elon Musk's Neuralink Corporation that is leading the charge.  Synchron vision is "to transform medicine with unprecedented access to brain data" collected by using the blood vessels of the brain as "natural highways". It is "the science of restoring, treating, and mapping the electrical activities of the brain."

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Is China Starting Another Giant Purge Of Citizens?

China's brutal lockdown of 1 billion people is inexplicable. If there is widespread sickness, why hasn't it spread to the rest of the world like SARS-Cov-V-2? The answer lies only in Technocrat social engineers who have determined some other agenda that is not yet readily apparent.

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Meryl Nass: As COVID Narrative Wanes, Don’t Sing Kumbaya

As mask mandates fall and the world wises up to the lies and damaging effects of COVID and mRNA vaccines, don't think its time to sing Kumbaya and lay down your guard. The global cabal will not let go of its assault on humanity and we can fully expect more pain ahead. Food, Water and economic participation may play key roles in coming months.

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American Dream Of Home Ownership Turns To Dust

The giant investment companies like BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street are well likened to giant vampire squid that suck the lifeblood from their prey. Available private property for purchase is vanishing from the American landscape because it is being purchased and turned into permanent rentals.

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Trilateral Commission Members Serving In Biden Administration

The Trilateral Commission started in 1973 to create a New International Economic Order and was the fountainhead of modern globalization. Their members have dominated every Administration since, and the Biden Administration is no exception. The two most elite posts are the Secretary of State (Blinken) and the National Security Advisor (Sullivan). To say that the Commission is mothballs in 2022 is foolishness. 

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Internet Of Bodies Means Total Control Over Your Body, Behavior, Actions

For over 15 years, I have repeatedly warned of the Technocrat goal to capture society through the Internet of Things and humans through the Internet of Bodies. Together, this is called the Internet of Everything and it will place censors in every conceivable place you can imagine. Whoever controls the data will control you.

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Mercola: Dismantling The Transhumanist Agenda

Transhumanism represents the "Great Reset" of humans in the same vein that Technocracy will reset the economic, social and governance of society. Hacking the human genome will have disastrous effects on our long-term survival. COVID injections based on mRNA represent the first major effort to artificially transform the human body into a dependent and controllable entity.

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