Search Results for AGENDA 2030

UN Hails Establishment Of Technology Bank For World’s Poorest Nations

Herein lies the great development fallacy: U.N. Technocrats believe that every global problem can be solved by applying new technology. This is utterly false. Successful economic development has always been directly related to the level of private property and ownership and access to markets. The U.N. is bent on  implementing Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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Cities Are Gaining Power And Influence In Global Politics

As predicted by Dr. Parag Khanna in Connectography, global cities are slated to eclipse the nation-state in controlling the world's economy and societal structure. The UN is pushing this agenda with the New Urban Agenda and the 2030 Agenda initiatives.

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UN Chief To Reshape Global Finance For Sustainable Sevelopment

Danger: The Deputy Secretary-General, Amina Mohammed, said that "trillions of dollars need to be mobilized a year by tapping into the savings of citizens around the world..." The financing fix for Sustainable Development is revealed: simply take it from citizens' saving accounts. Actually, if Sustainable Development is completely established in place of Capitalism/Free Enterprise, private property (including savings) will be wiped out anyway.

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New Federal Infrastructure Policy To Be Driven By Sustainable Development Dogma

Thus, when President Trump says that we need to rebuild America's infrastructure, we must pay careful attention to what exactly this will look like. Will our nation be 'rebuilt' for our sake or for the benefit of Technocrats and Technocracy? That answer is now becoming clear.

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World Temperatures Plummet: Further Arctic Ice Panic Is Just Empty Drama

The climate change fraud continues to be stretched thin by data representing actual measurements and not faulty and biased computer models. Many climate scientists are predicting a major multi-decade cooling trend based on sun spot activity, which is the arguably the biggest determinant of climate on planet earth. Technocrats who promote Arctic ice panic are desperate to promote Sustainable Development, 2030 Agenda, New Urban Agenda, etc., which all amount to warmed-over Technocracy from the 1930s.

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Three Disruptive Technologies That Will Transform The World Into Technocracy Within 10 Years

The latest technological revolution will make existing technology look like the stone age, yet few people outside of academia and industry are even aware of it. Many, if not most, of the people who are driving these technologies are Technocrats who intend to connect the world into a single global entity. Think, 'hive mind', 'global city' and 2030 Agenda.

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UN: Faced With ‘Clear Science, Real Threats’, Countries Must Remain Committed To Paris Agreement

The UN is desperately trying to keep the nations of the world in line and committed to the Paris Climate Agreement of December 2015. Sentiment is slipping because of real science that is debunking the pseudo-science of global warming. However, the UN well knows that if you repeat a lie often enough, people will eventually believe it.

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