Search Results for agenda 21

Poor In UK? Major Supermarket To Pitch Bugs For Survival Diet

As more of the world is impoverished on the way to 2030 - where you will "own nothing and be happy" - Technocrats have already planned your survival menu: bugs! The world could easily be awash with meat, vegetables and grain, but why waste good food on down-and-outer poor people, right? The megalomaniacal, psychopathic elite cadre of Technocrats need to be thrown out of all public policy.

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Mercola: Technocracy’s Digital Dictatorship Is Ever So Close

Private companies that harvest unimaginable amounts of data from the Internet, sell that data to governments who in turn use it to spy on citizens. External data is not enough, however, so now the quest is for psychographic data about your state-of-mind and propensity for "wrong think". The corral gates are closing at an alarming rate, making escape increasingly difficult.

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WEF Strategy: Young Global Leaders, Global Shapers, New Champions

The World Economic Forum is creating a tsunami of activists and operatives who are brainwashed with the dogma of  Transhumanism and Technocracy, and preaching the gospel of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. They march to the lyrics of Schwab's book, The Great Narrative. This is the largest and most widespread delusion in history.

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The Roots Of ESG And How To Get Rid Of It

ESG exists as part of the WEF's Great Narrative leading to the WEF's Great Reset. It is primarily used to attack the US, demolishing the world's engine of capitalism and free market economics. It also provided the bond between Big Business and Big Government.

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John Kerry Commits Biden Admin To WEF’s ‘Great Reset’

The Great Reset seeks to plunge the world into Technocracy while destroying capitalism and free market economic practices. It is way beyond being merely transformative; rather, it is revolutionary and will result in neo-Feudalism that returns the world to the Dark Ages.

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Technocracy Rising: Carbon Rationing, CBDCs and Sound Money

The rising tide of currency replacement accompanies the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Great Reset and, Sustainable Development, all of which are synonyms for the new economic order known as Technocracy. Price-based economic systems require existing currencies. Technocracy, a resource-based economic system, is based on energy as its currency, which is based on carbon.

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Synthetic Salvation: On Genomics, Mind Uploads, and the Quest for Immortality

Elitists want to live forever but common folk will die and end up as rich compost. Transhumanism and Technocracy are evil twins that are currently in control of the global narrative, policies and outcomes. They must be rejected before they do permanent damage to humans and the planet we live on.

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Whitehead: The Government’s Propaganda Of Fear, Mind Control & Brain Warfare

Technocracy in the 1930s claimed to be the "Science of Social Engineering" where humans were to be controlled to conform to its twisted dystopian scientific dictatorship. Of course, it is in reality a pseudo-science that pretends to be real science in order to fool practitioners into committing horrendous crimes against humanity.

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Spawn Of DARPA: ARPA-H Is Fast Track To Digital Dictatorship

Biden intends to appoint Dr. Reenee Wegrzyn, a former scientist with DARPA, as the inaugural director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H). Her specialties are synthetic biology, genetic engineering and data collection through biosurveillance. ARPA-H will be a swarming hive for Transhumanist scientists and projects.

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