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US Government Paid News Media $1 Billion For Propaganda to Promote mRNA Vaccines

Your own tax dollars have been weaponized against you. Technocrat overlords at Big Pharma directed the U.S. government to spend $1 billion of your tax dollars to sell billions of dollars worth of mRNA-based injections. Collectively, the overall health of America declined, people died and lives were shattered.

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NYPD Sued Over Illegal Collection And Storage Of Citizens’ DNA

Technocrats love to work within a large police force because it is authoritarian and prone to concealment of miscreant policies such as maintaining a DNA database on innocent citizens. This blatantly violates state and national law plus the U.S. Constitution itself. Technocrats crave and hoard data like an addict craves and hoards heroin.

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Phase 2: Technocracy’s War On Humanity

In war, diversionary strategies are legendary: trick the enemy into thinking you are doing one thing, while you secretly do another thing to sneak up from another direction and clobber them. Technocracy is at war with the world since January 2020 with the introduction of COVID. Now, the next phase is underway and you will never see it if you look directly at Russia or Ukraine.

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Pandora’s Box? FDA Unleashes Gene-Edited Cattle In U.S.

If you haven't already figured this out, the FDA has completely caved in to biotech companies bent on reengineering life on earth. CRISPR-edited beef will circle the planet as bull semen is exported and shared. Those genes will mix with other CRISPR varieties to create the ultimate breed: Frankenbeef.

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The Largest Global Land Grab In Human History

This editor has been documenting this for 45 years, starting with the Trilateral Commission's co-called New International Economic Order in 1973. Those who say they are going to save the world are the very ones who are destroying it. Nature will be commodified and financialized into a scientific dictatorship, aka Technocracy.

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Elder Un-Care: Robots Seen As Surrogates For Human Connection

Technology is replacing humanity and human contact, from social media to elder care. Loneliness is rampant because no amount of non-human activity can substitute for actual human contact. When elderly parents die alone, hopefully the robot will notify children and authorities.

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Big Economic Trouble In China Further Threatens Global Supply Chain

Before the war started in Ukraine, China was already headed into a huge economic abyss. The Hang Seng tech index has dropped 61% from its top last year, while the Nasdaq Golden Dragon China Index of U.S.-traded stocks has fallen 68%. Now the city of Shenzhen, China's equivalent to Silicon Valley, has been shut down over COVID.

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