Search Results for AGENDA 2030

John Podesta’s New Global Order

John Podesta is Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, but he is also a member of the elitist Trilateral Commission that has orchestrated its New International Economic Order since 1973. This excellent article lays bare the Podesta agenda and treachery.

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Hillary Clinton Lines Up With U.N. To Go All-In For Unlimited Migration

Patrick Wood was interviewed for this article, which was subsequently linked on DrudgeReport. Little by little, the world is hearing our message on Technocracy! Thank you to all who have supported Technocracy Rising and Technocracy.News in the past and to those who will in the future.

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World Green Economy Summit Being Held In Dubai

The very large Islamic connection to Green Economy is seen in this conference being held in Dubai for the second year in a row. Twelve percent of the Koran reportedly deals with 'care of the earth' issues (See Green Deen: What Islam Teaches About Protecting The Planet, Abdul-Matin)

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