Search Results for agenda 21

United Nations 2.0: A Whole-Of-World Technocracy

The United Nations is getting an upgrade to prepare itself for the post-Great Reset era. The WEF and UN are all but physically merged into a giant public-private partnership to transform the world through "Innovation, Data, Strategic foresight, Results orientation, and Behavioural science."  Remember that Technocracy was defined as the "Science of Social Engineering" as far back as 1937.

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WEF: Lessons Learned In COVID Lockdowns Will Be Applied To Carbon

Technocrats who engineered the COVID panic of 2020 took copious notes to discover how the same public manipulation might work for global warming and the war on carbon. Technocracy was originally defined as the "Science of Social Engineering", and they have lived up to it ever since. Brainwashing under any other name is still brainwashing.

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How The World Economic Forum Promotes Transhumanism

The World Economic Forum promotes the Great Reset in two parts: Technocracy that transforms society, economics and politics and Transhumanism that creates H+ or Humanity 2.0. This is the heartbeat of Klaus Schwab's Fourth Industrial Revolution: immortal gods living in perpetual Utopia.

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War Zone: New Pfizer Data Reveal Horrifying Rates of Miscarriage

The allied technocrats and transhumanists have declared war on humanity. We are now facing the largest genocidal event in history if these mRNA shots are not immediately taken off the market and emergency recovery protocols given to all who have been tricked into getting jabbed.

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CDC Flip-Flop Creates Plausible Deniability For Crimes Against Humanity

The CDC has vindicated "misinformation spreaders" by the wholesale reversing of society-killing policies that plagued us since early 2020. The pivot provides plausible deniability of "we have seen the light" for the current Administration and opens the door to blame Trump for starting the whole debacle in the first place. 

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Then The Technocrats Came For The Children…

The children of the world have long been a target for United Nations ideologues, and it's a key assault in the larger war against humanity. Dumbed-down children grow up to be dumbed-down adults, mercilessly conditioned by Technocracy's "Science of Social Engineering" to be good little global citizens.

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Trusted News Initiative: Orwellian Global Ministry of Truth

To Orwell's litany of doublethink, “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”, we must add "Lies are true." The Trusted News Initiative is the master global propaganda machine designed to crush any and all dissent against Technocracy's war on humanity. The human cost of TNI's propaganda is now in the millions.

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United Nations Penalizes Criticisms Against Technocrat Takeover

"There’s clear coordination, globally, of censorship. With few exceptions, countries have taken action to criminalize free speech, and they have done so in lockstep with each other. It began in earnest with censorship of theories about the origins of SARS-CoV-2, and grew from there to include anything COVID related."

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World Bank Creates $1 Billion Fund For Vaccine Passports

Global Technocrats, all unelected and unaccountable, are bent on creating vaccine passports. There is no discussion with nation-states or actual citizens who will be forced into taking the passports. A universal digital ID is the Holy Grail of Technocracy because it will enable a "Skynet" system of total control. The World Bank's backing guarantees that Central Bank Digital Currency will be tightly coupled with vaccine passports.

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