Search Results for agenda 21

Nordangård: UN’s Digital World Brain Seeks To Track Everything And Everyone

As TN has warned for 12 years now that the United Nations is gunning for total control of the Internet, seeking to morph it into a digital brain that can control every thing and every one on the earth. The aim is total social control and behavior modification to suit Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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The Culling Of Humanity Is Set To Accelerate; Doctors And Politicians Remain Silent

Ignorant fact checkers, essentially professional trolls, deny that there is any plan for depopulation of civilization, but the facts and words state otherwise. We are experiencing a mass genocide event right before our eyes, prosecuted by unelected and unaccountable Technocrats scattered around the world.

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Corbett: Technocracy Is Insane, Anti-Human And It WILL Fail

James Corbett is exactly right and for the right reasons: Technocracy is a pipe dream. As gravity is a law that cannot be ignored, things fall to the ground whether they wish to or not, so will Technocracy fall back to the law of reality in due time. In the meantime, Technocrats and Transhumans can do a lot of damage to humanity and civilization. For those who see the train wreck coming, #WalkAwayFromTechnocracy.

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Hohmann: Saudi Arabia Slouching Toward Technocracy

The entire world is racing toward Technocracy, including the major religions. The Catholic church is already steeped in green ideology and sustainable development from the Pope down. China is already a Technocracy. It is not surprising that the Islamic world is following hard behind with plans to build the first fully-automated and controlled super-city in the middle of the desert. It is yet unclear if anyone will want to actually live there.

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Climate Madness: Destroying The Enemy’s Food Supply Is An Age-Old Military Tactic

Farmers have been declared to be the scapegoats of the mass formation of global warming loons and destroying food production is at the top of their list. Any nation that has bought into this madness is attacking the very means of our survival - food. The world is at war but nobody is crying out. ⁃

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Klaus Schwab: ‘We Have The Means To Impose The State Of The World’

In the James Bond movie of the same name, SPECTRE stood for "Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion". Schwab mirrors criminal mastermind and protagonist, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, when he states, "Let's be clear the future is not just happening. The future is built by us, a powerful community here in this room. We have the means to impose the state of the world."

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The Growing Hubris Of Pandemic And The Great Panic Of 2020

Experimental mRNA injections promoted to a global citizenry has common goals with the Transhuman movement to genetically modify humanity and the military to create bioweapons. Both are interested in population reduction. Both are deep rabbit holes. Both spark horrific reactions from people when they discover the existence and implications of these programs.

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NYU School Of Law: Digital ID Is ‘Paving A Digital Road To Hell’

Technocracy demands identification of every citizen; always has, always will. Technocracy Study Course (1934) requirements 4, 5, 6 are, “Provide a continuous inventory of all production and consumption.”, “Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where produced and where used.”, “Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual.”

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How To Destabilize A Nation With Food And Energy Shortages

Sri Lanka is a warning of what happens when there isn't enough food and energy for the populace: they rebel and topple governments. This is the exact outcome desired by Technocracy because Technocrats can then be appointed to take over and run things directly. The State Ministry of Education is already "transforming Sri Lanka into a smart nation through the ICT sector". It's website address? ""!

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Technocracy: A Digital Slave System Where No Dissent Is Allowed

This article is the succinct view from a European scholar on where the world is headed, namely, straight into outright Technocracy. The evil and twisted religion of Scientism can be easily identified where "scientific expert councils erode democracy." Indeed, Technocracy intends to completely remove the entire political layer of society in order to control people directly, without discussion or recourse.

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