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Global Technocrats Likely Behind Trudeau’s Sudden Reversal Of Emergency Orders

Justin Trudeau was likely drawn up short by his Technocrat superiors because he let the cat out of the bag too early. That is, he revealed the workings of the dystopian financial controls being set in place to completely control a population through financial access, or lack of it. 

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Biodiversity: The Genetic Takeover Of All Living Things

The World Economic Forum’s self-declared “Great Reset” has two aspects: first, is the radical economic transformation promoted as Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy; second is the radical transformation of all living things, including humans, aka Transhumanism. The WEF’s own website speaks plainly about both.

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Resistance Not Futile: History Lesson On How To End Vaccine Mandates

The lessons and force of history are solidly behind the popular resistance to vaccine mandates. Even though many people have died needlessly and people are fed up with the dictatorial urges of megalomaniac and tyrannical leaders, people should take heart that it is possible to throw off tyranny and return to some sense of normalcy.

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Top Medical Expert: ‘Science And Public Health Are Broken’

The medical Technocrat crowd cannot refute him, so they make up lies about him and attack him on the lies with massive propaganda. This has happened thousands of times to credible medical experts who have guided safety with real science and reason. Technocrats have destroyed this to promote the Transhuman agenda to transform humanity.

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Global Technocrat Cabal Exposed Through Network Analysis

A very small group of criminal collaborators are at the top of the Great Panic of 2020. Using disciplined network analysis, the players and patterns emerge right before your eyes. This article names names, organizations and connections, following the money that funded it all. It's time for a global uprising to throw these people out of public policy.

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Robot Bartender: 120 Cocktails Per Hour And Tells Bad Jokes

With limitations to the menu of available drinks, Cecilia can dish them out faster than 4 human bartenders working non-stop. However, she won't lend a sympathetic ear or give advice to weary travelers. Alas, Technocrats solve problems that don't really need to be solved and mostly just because they can.

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IKE’s Smart City Surveillance Kiosks Installed In Houston

Marketed on the basis of being free and convenient, the IKE kiosks collect data on every person who comes near them, including id'ing your bluetooth and wifi devices. Cameras record your face, examine your choices and selections. Their payback is "surveillance capitalism" where you are subsumed into the Technocrat control grid.

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Technocrats Demand Meat Tax to Fight Climate Change

The vast majority of rank-and-file citizens disbelieve the global war on red meat, and yet the environmental extremists will not let go of their demands to destroy the industry and drive people to eat insect protein instead. This battle is intensifying everywhere and is unmistakable. The price of quality beef in the US has doubled in the last 2 years and is still rising

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Meanwhile, Italy Doubles Down On COVID Despotism Against Unvaxxed

Given its dystopian and tyrannical domination of its unvaxxed citizens, it is ironic that Italy was once the cradle of Western civilization that produced concepts of liberty, freedom, the rule of law, etc. Today, it has slipped back into the gutter of despotic governance with no end in sight.

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Naomi Wolf: On The Subtlety Of Monsters

Wolf correctly notes, "people are asked to join a cult and offer up their bodies; if they don’t, they are ostracized and denied social life and professional advancement." Similarities must be drawn to the period of Nazi Germany during 1931-33 that set the stage for unspeakable evil.

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