Search Results for agenda 21

WEF Declares That The Color Of Democracy Is… Green?

This thinly-veiled screed of propaganda protests that the reason "green energy" programs are failing is because the price of traditional energy is too low. Further, if we don't fix this price disparity, we are not "protecting democracy." Thus, driving up energy prices protects democracy. This insane reasoning is the bedrock ideology of the Great Reset, Green New Deal and Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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The Great Reset And Its ‘Final Solution’ For Useless People

The only question remaining is, "Who will control you?" After the Great Reset, if it gets that far, you will own nothing, the global common trust will own everything, the central banks will have a 100% monopoly on money and you will be thrown into the Metaverse for whatever enjoyment might remain. Say "No" while you still can.

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SEC Uses ESG Requirements To Target Small Farms

When President Biden said he would use "all of government" to enforce his suicidal green agenda, no one would have suspected that the Securities and Exchange Commission could get a hook into small farm agriculture, and yet they have. Ultimately, small farmers who do not roll over and comply will be driven out of business from over-regulation and denial of capital.

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Corporate Technocrats Use ESG To Drive Technocracy

ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) is a United Nations inspired global scam to drive the world into Sustainable Development (aka Technocracy), control all resources and kill capitalism and free market economics all at the same time. ESG is backed by the UN, the World Economic Forum and major investment banks.

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Metaverse: Virtual Children To Help Combat Overpopulation

For all the brainwashed young marrieds who willingly choose to forego having children, it's Metaverse to the rescue as they can now have virtual children to feed, change diapers. nurture, teach, play, etc. Get tired of your virtual child? Just click a button and delete it. The bifurcation of reality is beyond just dangerous, it is existential to civilization and the human race.

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The Link Between Transhumanism And The Metaverse

Reality is already 3D and immersive, so why do we need a cheap imitation called the Metaverse? The answer lies in Transhumanism and its quest to escape mortal bounds to enter into immortality, omniscience and transcendence, all of which are possible in the Metaverse but not in real life. Parents: Keep your children away from the Metaverse.

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The Psychology of Totalitarianism: Technocracy’s ‘Science Of Social Engineering’

In 1938, The Technocrat magazine defined Technocracy as the "Science of Social Engineering" and then proceeded to define the outcome as a resource-based economic system with all decisions made by Technocrats. Since their "science was settled", there was no need to political systems that have citizens some say concerning their lives. Today's environment is controlled by Technocrats.

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Digital Identification Is Central To Total Control

Requirements  #4 and #5 listed in the Technocracy Study Course (1938) state, “Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where produced and where used" and “Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual.”  This is only possible with a universal ID system.

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Whitehead: U.S. Government Is Waging Psychological Warfare On The Nation, Weaponizing Everything

A certain marker of war is the presence and use of psychological warfare to confuse and dominate the enemy. It is unfortunate that we have been declared the enemy and rampant psychological warfare is leveled at us with every new barrage of propaganda. Technocracy defined itself as "the science of social engineering" as far back as 1938.

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