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Is The Economic System Being Destroyed On Purpose?

This article raises two important points. Ever since Technocracy set sail in the 1930s from Columbia University, it has been thwarted by the refusal of Capitalism and free market economics to die. This created a moral hazard to give them a push off the cliff. Now, some are getting the idea that the economy is being intentionally destroyed.

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WEF Boasts That 98% Of Central Banks Are Adopting CBDCs

The author is correct that "It's the totalitarian tip-toe," because there is no other way to use blunt force to summarily drop cash on a worldwide basis. However, the WEF's boast is mostly hot air. Only two countries, Zimbabwe and Nigeria, have officially launched a CBCD. Only a few countries have passed the "proof of concept" phase. Several countries have canceled their CBDC projects, including the Philippines, Kenya, Denmark, Equator, and Finland. Several large countries are in the pilot stage, including China, Russia and India.

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Bill Gates & UN Behind “Digital Public Infrastructure” For Global Control

Bill Gates is an evil genius who clawed his way to the top by applying predatory business practices at Microsoft; a leopard doesn't change spots and now Gates wants to dominate the whole world by masterminding a global ID system. A master Technocrat, Gates follows the philosophy of early Technocracy.

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Australian Senate Approves Digital ID, America Is Next

The fifth requirement (out of seven) of historic Technocracy, as documented in the Technocracy Study Course in 1934, was "Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual."  This has been in play for NINETY YEARS, waiting for the technology to catch up. The modern perpetrators of this digital panopticon are not communists, socialists, or Marxists, but TECHNOCRATS.

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Technocracy Depends On The Digitalization Of Money

This editor has been forecasting for at least twenty years that the dollar is not the issue: It is the entire worldwide fiat system of all currencies. The dollar will not "crash and burn," as others have claimed. The CBCD system is poised to destroy all fiat paper systems in one fell swoop, and it will be sudden. Look for a financial shock to start the avalanche, and then look for a global bank holiday (i.e., Black Monday) lasting for a week or two, after which the new system will magically appear.

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The Most Censored Subjects On Earth: The Trilateral Commission, Technocracy & Transhumanism

While everyone else whines about being censored over trivial news stories, the most important themes are being obliterated. Why? Because the threat of exposure is too great for the evil agenda of Technocrats and Transhumanists. For over 50 years, Technocrats and the designers of the so-called "Technetronic Era" and the "New International Economic Order" have operated under the cover of anonymity. You can see the big artillery of the Trilateral Commission swoop in to destroy any person or organization who gets too close.

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Car Mogul: ‘Manic Move To Electric Vehicles” Will Destroy the Auto Industry

Bernie Moreno knows the auto industry as the founder of one of the largest dealerships in the country. He sees the intentional decimation of the entire sector, with China being the main beneficiary. Members of the Trilateral Commission who built China in the first place are licking their chops as they see the approaching economic merger with that country and the final absorption of the U.S.

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Elon Musk Delivers Satellite Tech To Military To Turn Earth Into A Panopticon Of Surveillance

As a Technocrat, Elon Musk has no moral or ethical problem with helping the military and intelligence agencies turn the entire planet into a panopticon where moving objects (even people) can be tracked in real-time, even through smoke, dust, cloud cover, and at night. Musk also has Asperger's syndrome, which is classed within the Autism spectrum. He has repeatedly said over the years that he "wants to save humanity" as if it is a fixation for him. Beware.

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It Begins: AI Is Being Used To Deceive Voters, Disrupt Elections Worldwide

The WEF, UN, and the global elitists want to destroy democracy worldwide, even as they say that they will save democracy. The WEF's main topic in its 2024 meetup in Davos was "disinformation" that threatens its existence, even as calls went out to Big Tech, governments, and  "Fact Checkers" to harness AI to do away with dissent. Thus, the article below should be understood as a Trojan Horse to mask the institutional deceivers while blaming the rest on everybody else.

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The American revolt against green energy has begun

The only way to protect your city or town from the destruction that always follows windmills and solar panels is to prevent their construction in the first place. Besides the eyesores, sound fatigue, pollution, dead birds, etc., your electricity rates will soar. Many cities are finally figuring this out and are saying NO MORE! 

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