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U-Turn: Pfizer Board Member Suggests End to Mask, Vaccine Mandates

On December 31 I wrote, "I am quite certain that some positive, 'good news' headlines will appear in the first quarter of 2022... Omicron could be officially declared to be a nothing-burger and some major corporations might remove mask and/or vaccine requirements." This trend is continuing with Pfizer's major reversal. 

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Pam Popper: How to Win the War Against Tyranny

Dr. Pam Popper is interviewed and details her successes in pushing back against Technocracy's coup d'état. The importance of re-building community groups, where face-to-face interaction can occur is critical, but at the same time using the judicial system to throw in the proverbial monkey wrench.

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Boom! Candice Owens Schools Tucker Carlson: ‘They Really Do Want A Global Technocracy’

Technocracy News & Trends may finally be breaking through to media giants as Candace Owens lays it out to Tucker Carlson on FoxNews: "They really do want a global Technocracy." This hits the ears of millions of Americans who have never heard the word "Technocracy" before but now they have a vivid picture of what it will look like if not rejected now.

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Eye Spy: IRS To Require Facial Recognition To View Tax Returns

Technocrats in the IRS and private industry are combining forces to further the acceptance of a universal id system where people cannot escape being ID'd by facial recognition surveillance systems. Of course, not everyone wants to view their tax returns online, but the new system will make it measurably harder to do so.

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The Pandemic Narrative Is Undergoing A Radical U-Turn

There is now little doubt that the official pandemic narrative is headed for a 180 degree u-turn, but mostly for political reasons. The Democrat party is in shambles and virtually guaranteed to lose majorities in the House and Senate if it does nothing to restore confidence. Backing off of the painful tyranny of mandates and unscientific "science" is the way out. 

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Doctor Loses License For Prescribing HCQ, Ivermectin; Ordered To Psych Evaluation

Dr. Meryl Nass has been an outspoken critic of health directives that ban HCQ and Ivermectin for early treatment of COVID infections. The State of Maine Board of Licensure took action to crush her medical practice by pulling her medical license, and to add insult to injury, ordered her to undergo a psych evaluation. This appears to be following Orwell's 1984 storyline where Winston is cast as Dr. Nass.

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Estate Planning Nightmare: Death Benefits Might Be Denied If You Die From COVID Without Being Vaccinated

Survivors of patients who die from COVID without having received an experimental mRNA injection are potentially in for a crushing discovery when they are denied life insurance benefits. Thus, if you are hospitalized with COVID, taking the shot may kill you, but it could protect your loved ones from financial impoverishment.

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Rickards: The Supply Chain Is The Global Economy

If globalization were a living body, then the Supply Chain represents the cardio-vascular system need to transport goods and services (the blood) between global destinations. When globalization suffers a heart attack, ie, the collapse of the Supply Chain, globalization will fall to the ground like a brick and die.

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Medical Technocracy: Then They Came For The Children

]What kind of monsters can stand silently by and watch the intentional medical abuse and death of innocent children? More children have died from the EUA mRNA shots than have died of COVID itself. Hospital nurses are screaming out the truth as legislators and regulators turn a deaf ear. Welcome to Technocracy.

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The Real Agenda Behind Vaccine Passports

The Technocrat mindset is this: What cannot be identified and monitored cannot be controlled. This is the main point of vaccine passports, which have nothing to do with controlling the spread of disease, but rather are about controlling YOU!

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