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The Transhumans’ Billion-Dollar Quest For Immortality

The fact that thousands of genetic and medical scientists around the world are working feverishly to cure the "disease" of death should tell us that this isn't just a fad. Public money funds universities. Billionaires like Elon Musk, Peter Theil and Jeff Bezos are investing heavily. Transhumanism is here to stay and it is gaining power and influence over traditional science.

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EU’s Digital ID And The “Chinafication Of Europe’

Here is Technocracy: "one of the latest attempts by EU institutions to pull power away from member-states’ national governments." Technocracy eschews nation-states and participation of ordinary citizens through traditional political processes. The "Chinafication of Europe" is well underway.

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Tick, Tick, Tick: The Quadrillion Dollar Derivatives Tsunami

Since Technocrats demonstrably have it in for Capitalism and Free Market Economics, is it conceivable that they would intentionally pull the tripwire on the gargantuan derivative market? The size of this obscure market is well over 1 quadrillion dollars and is built like a house of cards. Warren Buffet calls it "weapons of mass destruction."

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Ubiquitous AI Cameras To Surveil Travelers’ Every Move, Mood, Behavior

Cameras take images but AI interprets them for every conceivable characteristic: identity, mood, intention, compliance, direction of travel, handicaps, etc. This shows the Technocrat lust for data in order to practice Technocracy's so-called "science of social engineering". Manipulating human behavior is more achievable today than ever before in history.

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Will You? The Brain-Computer Interface Is Already Here

Beware the dangers of transhumanism and the merging of human flesh and technology. Don't expect transhumanism to be aligned with any political ideology, whether left or right. It is apolitical and very closely aligned with Technocracy. BCI is only one aspect; genetic engineering is another.

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Boom: Trilateral Commissioner Jeffrey Epstein’s Global Empire Of Corruption Revealed

Investigative writer Whitney Webb drills down into the dark global network of Jeffrey Epstein to expose how global elitists attempt to run the world. As a member of the Trilateral Commission, Epstein undoubtedly served his own interests but he became the go-to dungeon master of sexual blackmail that kept global leaders and operators in line. No, the infamous "black book" will likely never be released.

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The Control Network: Laundering Money With Total Immunity

Over the years, I have written several papers on global banking, central banks and in particular, about the Bank for International Settlements. Corey Lynn, sponsored by the Solari Report (Catherine Austin Fitts) digs deep into the central bank/monetary world to reveal the largest money laundering machine of all time. To call this monster a giant vampire squid is an understatement. 

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Humanity 2.0: ‘The Fusion Of Our Physical, Digital, And Biological Identities’

Technocrats invent because they can, not because they have a mandate to do so. Transhumans are racing to create Humanity 2.0 by mastering the human genome and hence, the functional operation of humans. Thus, meddling with the human immune system with mRNA injections is merely a warm up to what is coming down the line.

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Food Wars: ‘The Dark Cult Of Davos Is Trying To Destroy These Farmers’

If Tiananmen Square was a global wake up call on ruthless totalitarianism, then Dutch Farmers are trying to wake up the world on the war against humanity perpetrated by the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, etc. Collectively, the world is facing another Holodomor event where tens of millions could die from starvation.

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Nazi Albert Speer’s Final Nuremberg Statement On Technocracy

Hitler relied on Technocrats to prosecute his war machine that conquered nations and executed his "final solution" to get rid of genetically impure segments of society. His ultimate goal was to create a master race of super humans to live in an environmentally reset ecology. Albert Speer was sentenced to 20 years at Nuremberg for his role in Nazi Germany

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