Search Results for agenda 21

WEF: Living In Metaverse Will Be ‘More Meaningful to Us Than Our Physical Lives’

This is a must-read article in the advancement of pure Technocracy, aka "the science of social engineering." A false reality is being created is being created for the whole world, where people can be completely brainwashed, manipulated and controlled. The World Economic Forum is totally committed to the Metaverse.

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Remote Learning Apps: Children’s Data Shared At ‘Dizzying Scale’

In one of the biggest data grabs in the 21st century, the pandemic forced remote learning on students of all ages. Those apps, in return, sucked uniquely identified data out of millions of students without their or their parents knowledge. Data is then sold to a host of third-party companies. This is the ugly side of surveillance capitalism.

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Hiding in Plain Sight: Technocratic Tyranny Behind a Medical Mask

A new journal called Propaganda in Focus has just been launched and carried this must-read article on Technocratic Tyranny. This paper examines the creation, construction and role of propaganda during the pandemic: "technocracy will lure us, from the safety of the blind spots in our stress and trauma and fear, ever closer to the precipice. "

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Bill Gates Lays Out Technocrat Plan For Global Takeover

Megalomaniac Bill Gates is parroting and reinforcing the latest NTI simulation that is driving the Monkeypox mania: Shut down early, shut down often, shut down just in case; shut down with "no regrets". This is in direct contradiction to studies proving that lockdowns, masks, social distancing or closing schools does nothing to curtail a virus.

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Disconnect: Trump-Endorsed Oz’ Deep Connections With World Economic Forum

As votes are recounted in a very close GOP primary in Pennsylvania, some voters are trying to reconcile former President Donald Trump's endorsement of Dr. Mehmet OZ, who was named a "Global Leader of Tomorrow" by the World Economic Forum in 1999. The WEF's Great Reset ideology is anathema to the "America First" political philosophy.

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The Bank For International Settlements Goes All-In For Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)

The BIS in Basel, Switzerland is the central bank to central banks all of which represent a giant vampire squid on planet earth. When CBDC accounts are opened directly by the public, the U.S. Treasury will be obsolete and powerless, as will our Congress that has responsibility to coin money. This means total control over currencies by one monolithic structure that sits out of reach from all governments.

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Controlled Food System Is In Place And Accelerating

This is a must-read article. Russia is at war with Ukraine, the food and grain breadbasket of Europe. Russia is the largest exporter of wheat in the world. Food is an issue globally and in the U.S.  The supply chain for food is also breaking down at the same time. It's time to say no to control over food and free the farmers to do their time-tested job of feeding the world.

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Is China Starting Another Giant Purge Of Citizens?

China's brutal lockdown of 1 billion people is inexplicable. If there is widespread sickness, why hasn't it spread to the rest of the world like SARS-Cov-V-2? The answer lies only in Technocrat social engineers who have determined some other agenda that is not yet readily apparent.

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Houston Tyranny: Businesses Must Install Surveillance Cams At Own Expense, Cops To View Footage Without Warrant

Tough on crime or just lawless tyrants? The Houston city council has gone completely 1984 by forcing businesses to spend their own money to install high definition security cameras, from which the police can then extract footage without a warrant. This is flatly unconstitutional on several counts and will certainly be challenged in court.

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